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3 Wood

Wed, Dec 29 2021 11:59 AM (22 replies)
  • Tony08888
    570 Posts
    Tue, Dec 28 2021 4:24 AM

    Unfortunately the 3 wood is a pitiful must,
    for a halfway decent par 5 score post,
    The only thing is the programming sucks,
    a slight mis-ding and the shot is a muck.

    Apparel will help the distance quite nicely,
    yet a hook or a shank most likely await thee.
    Though it’s a great tool for punch out of rough,
    as the distance you reach isn’t that tough.

    Yet if it is forgiveness and precision you seek,
    practice will not make perfect with a club this bleak.
    The programmers out did themselves making a joke,
    or was it on purpose by a disgruntled bloke.

  • HamdenPro
    2,468 Posts
    Tue, Dec 28 2021 7:16 AM

    I love my 3 wood, I truly do.

    It’s unfortunate, the club’s not for you.

    I have a suggestion, if you will permit,

    Consider for once, your to blame, just a bit.

    I would just keep trying till you get the hang of it.


    But, if it does not work out, at all for you,

    I will tell you now, what do to.

    Take that 3 wood, that you think may stink,

    Sell it back and buy me some Volviks in pink.


    And, while you are at it, what the heck

    Sell all your clubs back, since the game is a wreck,

    Take those credits and spread the cheer,

    Buy everyone gifts for the upcoming year.


    Honestly, I think you should stay,

    Practice more, and improve your play,

    I know your good, a Champion they say

    I think your just disgruntled, so just chill for the day.

    For if you blame WGT, they will make you pay.


    You will hit slices and hooks, into bunkers and brooks

    You will lose many balls and coins to the crooks,

    Lose lots of coins, and not just a few,

    So be ever so careful, whatever you do.


    I would be nice to the programmers, they are trying their best,

    I know what your thinking, surely I jest

    But now I’m off moderation, it took so long,

    I am trying to be nice, I don’t want to go wrong,


    So, I keep complaints to myself, and praise WGT

    So far it has worked, as you plainly see,

    For when I post, it appears right away,

    Which is better than waiting for more than a day,


    Maybe it's you, or maybe your ball.


    but does it really matter? 

    It is just game after all.


    I have to go now, and get some work done,

    I would love to continue but I really must run,

    To sum it all up, the point is to have fun


  • MioKontic
    4,643 Posts
    Tue, Dec 28 2021 8:39 AM


    I love my 3 wood, I truly do.

    It’s unfortunate, the club’s not for you.

    I have a suggestion, if you will permit,

    Consider for once, your _____ to blame, just a bit.

    I would just keep trying till you get the hang of it.


    But, if it does not work out, at all for you,

    I will tell you now, what do to.

    Take that 3 wood, that you think may stink,

    Sell it back and buy me some Volviks in pink.


    And, while you are at it, what the heck

    Sell all your clubs back, since the game is a wreck,

    Take those credits and spread the cheer,

    Buy everyone gifts for the upcoming year.


    Honestly, I think you should stay,

    Practice more, and improve your play,

    I know your _____ good, a Champion they say

    I think your _____ just disgruntled, so just chill for the day.

    For if you blame WGT, they will make you pay.


    You will hit slices and hooks, into bunkers and brooks

    You will lose many balls and coins to the crooks,

    Lose lots of coins, and not just a few,

    So be ever so careful, whatever you do.


    I would be nice to the programmers, they are trying their best,

    I know what your _____ thinking, surely I jest

    But now I’m off moderation, it took so long,

    I am trying to be nice, I don’t want to go wrong,


    So, I keep complaints to myself, and praise WGT

    So far it has worked, as you plainly see,

    For when I post, it appears right away,

    Which is better than waiting for more than a day,


    Maybe it's you, or maybe your ball.


    but does it really matter? 

    It is just game after all.


    I have to go now, and get some work done,

    I would love to continue but I really must run,

    To sum it all up, the point is to have fun


    Do we need to fill in the blanks, or blankety blanks?  (I've put in some underlines where they need to go.  Surely you didn't mean "you are", abbreviated to "you're", becasue I know you know that  ;)

  • HamdenPro
    2,468 Posts
    Tue, Dec 28 2021 8:52 AM

    Surely you didn't mean "you are", abbreviated to "you're", becasue I know you know that  ;)


    I was in an online, remote, conference on Teams when I wrote that real quick like, when someone I did not want to listen too was speaking. I had opened a small window for Word.

    Sometimes when working in Word, the program auto checks and makes changes, not always the correct ones. Unfortunately, I did not go back over and check before I cut, pasted and posted.

    Since we are fairly new friends, I will overlook the pointing out mistakes. I do recall, once, a member of my club pointed out grammatical errors in one my club forum post, may he R.I.P.

    Fill in any blanks you want - LOL

    P.S. Hope you had a wonderful holiday.

  • alosso
    21,054 Posts
    Tue, Dec 28 2021 9:18 AM


    It's Grrr're!

  • HamdenPro
    2,468 Posts
    Tue, Dec 28 2021 9:35 AM

    It's Grrr're!

    Seriously!!!!  I think that is a cheese.

    EDIT: And, spelled wrong to boot!!!!

  • alosso
    21,054 Posts
    Tue, Dec 28 2021 9:56 AM

    I know Gruyère, but Grrrr rhymes to your like Grrr're does to you're.

  • HamdenPro
    2,468 Posts
    Tue, Dec 28 2021 10:14 AM

    Grrrr rhymes to your like Grrr're does to you're.

    In what language? Now I would agree that Grrrou're ryhmes with you're but, I did not say you're, Mio did.(Maybe I should have).

    Word to wise, do not reply to Mio. Not only will he check your spelling, but he will verify the grammatical use, conjunctions and tense. Further, unless you can reply, in less than 15 sec., he may get mad. He hates waiting his turn.

  • Tony08888
    570 Posts
    Tue, Dec 28 2021 11:20 AM

    You’re quite the wordsmith and wish I were too,
    except of course for your, you’re and you.

    Looks like you’ve been playing for quite some time,
    from when the players of old were making their climb.

    I like what you said it makes a lot of sense,  
    cause I do blame myself for every mis hit.

    Pleasantries are nice and new friends more so,
    but back to the matter of the club that is so so.

    I beg your pardon the 3w is not hated,
    just making a point the the programming is dated.

    The distance is fine with no problems there,
    258 from the tee and 256 from the fair. 

    It’s the forgiveness that sucks as stated before,  
    a slight mis ding runs it a muck and much more.

    Will never sell it for the POS Volviks,
    Cally 33 is my ball as previously posted.

    I hear tell the VEM has a lot of influence,
    and I do not find that in any way mellifluous.

    But that’s another poem for another day,
    for now I will end with a fairly well and good day. 



  • twinponds169
    3,028 Posts
    Tue, Dec 28 2021 11:37 AM

    Ur all crazy!