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Golf Shot Calculator Users - Busted !

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Sat, Jan 1 2022 5:04 PM (2 replies)
  • Larry2015
    3 Posts
    Fri, Dec 31 2021 8:13 AM

    What the Golf Shot Calculator and Ding Master Pro users don't realise is that when they download the app it immediately puts an ad up on the public walls of their profiles.  Hilarious - they'll be lots of players deleting their wall posts now! 


  • Dave33200
    2,955 Posts
    Fri, Dec 31 2021 9:38 AM


    What the Golf Shot Calculator and Ding Master Pro users don't realise is that when they download the app it immediately puts an ad up on the public walls of their profiles.  Hilarious - they'll be lots of players deleting their wall posts now! 


    If you talking about the Ding master thing, that was made by a (now banned) WGT member who went off the deep end and threating to sue WGT for something that I don’t even remember any more. After he was banned, he came back with a fake account and posted that ad on 1000’s of WGT players wall. So just because someone still hasn’t deleted that ad it doesn’t mean that they are using the program, which I doubt works anyway. 


  • Duphpherer
    457 Posts
    Sat, Jan 1 2022 5:04 PM

    Just now played Beverly Hills with a Master that joined Oct 2021. I took early lead and then he proceeded to sink 4 putts of 20 ft or more to tie me going into the 9th hole... which he ACED. He didn't seem a bit surprised about it when I congratulated him.  lol 

    He also has these ads on his wall.