IamNicklaus: Where to start with this , firstly you might have just named the accused , cos it's obvious to anyone who's been following the drama , secondly ,it's all a bit tenuous ...people with several similar sounding names a pic of the accused that anyone including an ex could have used to create a wind up account .
I'm a bit confused, are you saying it's you're being accused of something?
What's the "ex" up to? I've seen many "reasons" given for multiple accounts on this site but are you suggesting revenge multi-ing is a thing? If so that's one of the best "reasons" I've seen. Maybe not mind you as it wouldn't work. As far as I know wgt ban subsequent accounts, not the original, so unless the revenge multi-er had the foresight to set up that account before the person they were getting revenge on had one it's just no good.