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WGT message to CSR is still not FIX

Thu, Feb 3 2022 8:05 PM (1 replies)
  • WilliamRNewmanJr
    4,048 Posts
    Thu, Feb 3 2022 6:41 PM

    To: WGT CSR

    Apparently, you have inherited the Previous OWNERS bands upon a lot of us Players. As of this time, I still cannot send your CSR any messages or Bugs Issues etc., because apparently, I'm still block.

    I have been Purchasing and I am CONSTANTLY having to Correct the Billing Address, etc. I would really like to get this resolve PLEASE!

    Kind regards;

    Wm R. Newman, Jr.

  • garyk49
    2,327 Posts
    Thu, Feb 3 2022 8:05 PM

    And will do you no good posting this here, they won't see it.  Go to the bottom of this page and use the contact WGT link. you might also try to be a little bit less condescending when informing them of your problem, especially try turning the bold off.

    I fully understand you said you can't send, but I would try it anyway, or try messaging one of the mods concerning your problem.  WGTChampion, WGTNico or WGTIcon.  But in all cases, be nice.(as Patrick, from Road House, would say.)