You can, but as has been said, I think you need to provide proof of some sort that it is 2 different players. I was in a CC with a husband and wife players, and from what I remember it was a lot of hassle to prove they were 2 people from the same household. Of course, if you were friends with WGTIcon then likely nothing would have been needed (RUNWME/Dianne81).
Many years ago, when Lizzie (LizzieRossetti) was in hospital she had a visit from some friends, and they ended up playing on WGT in the hospital that day (it was either a 3 or 4-ball). Lo and behold, the next day, with no questions asked by WGT, all accounts except Lizzie's were banned for using the same IP address despite Lizzie trying to explain to WGT that it was in a hospital, and they would not reinstate them. And I know at least one of the others was a real account because I used to play with one of them, and even played a 3-ball with that person and Lizzie before she became ill. And I lost 50,000cr because I had given them (through MPC) for safekeeping in case I got banned. Rather ironic!
I don't know if WGT's views have changed now, but I suspect you will need to provide some sort of proof. Best option would be to send WGTNico a message and ask him for advice, it will be quicker than sending something to customer support.