Oh Joy it's pleasure day with all the games that didn't get played : So here's how it comes out :
Norman's webb collective - Allenby - Replace player Binkle please next round. Sorry but I saw the relentless attempts by Lisa03. Forfeit 1 to that team
East Coast CC Team A - Takes a forfeit on the game they never provided a sub for at all verses Richard4168.
RKowen Vs BigBirdy222 - each team is declaring the other was a no show / no communication - No Point awarded - I want the Captains on the field together same conditions to declare value of the point please or it will stand at 0 Points awarded.
Yellow Brick Road 2 Verses Friends For Fun B - The weight of the decision was based on the communication from the Team Captain to advise of the situation. Team: Friends For Fun B your player PALOUSDAVID is benched. If you can prove to me that he tried to make amends for making someone wait 50 minutes for a valid reason I'll consider removing his bench status but while Chuckles time may have been limited to playing because of a move, he was still Available and attempting to play. Forfeit Point awarded to Team Yellow Brick Road 2
B-A-D BOYZ verses East Coast Kings - I believe that player schedules were the cause of these issues but one captain came forward advising of the situation the other did not. In the match of Partsman41953 vs Tschida66 point is awarded to B-A-D BOYZ but I am not charging anyone with a forfeit nor are any players benched since they actively were trying to work this out with each other.
In Match of Eckocdx verses Dfields 0 points split .
Seeing It Through Verses English Lakes Dalehead - Team Captain MightyRed saved her team by stepping up and offering to get this cleaned up with match BigDaddy GEE verses GunSmokeLizzy ( but time did not allow) The only reason I didn't bench player GunSmokeLizzy for non-communication and declining player invites is because simply this doesn't make sense. Team Dalehead had the ability to attempt to take a 5-0 win and the game never got off the ground. That quite frankly tells me something is wrong. 1/2 Point weight to Seeing it Through. As a new club to these tournaments, Seeing It Through, you folks hung in there tough trying to still get it played with the odds against you at 0-4 . Kudos to all your players for just not blowing it off. You are the example of Teams we want playing in this tournament and proved the true definition of your name Seeing It Through !!