Slimjim001: I've even read a couple random comments from old school players who now say that poaching is no big deal which suggests to me that the WGT culture might be drifting away from a platform of ethics of fair play.
I guess you can count me among those who think that poaching (or at least sending club invites to players of an active club) is no big deal.
If a player receives an invite to a new club, and they're happy with their current club, it only takes 2 seconds to click the DECLINE button on the invite. If a club owner becomes a nuisance and persists in sending unwelcome invites after that, they can be blocked. I personally would not want somebody to stay in my club if they were unhappy, or if they felt they would be happier in a different club, for whatever reason. If they left, I would wish them the best.
Club owners do not "own" the players in their club. There is no rule, written or unwritten, that says inviting a player from another club (even an active one) to join yours is wrong.