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Tue, Feb 21 2023 4:38 AM (8 replies)
  • mezga29
    2 Posts
    Fri, Feb 17 2023 7:15 AM

    Hello All!

    So i have a few problem,that i would like to talk about.Will see if even anyone care. So im a member since 2011. So about 4 years ago it was a lot faster to level up. I am at 98 Legend since 2021. It dont matter how much i play,or how much money i spend i just can't go any futher.Yes i know its not about how much you pay,its about my average. But i dont think its fair. I spend way too much money and its nothing. Like the game all ready lost its purpose. Its not even fun anymore to play.

    Im having problems whit my clubs as well. Im hitting 135 front wind and one hole it goes 130. The same thing ,diferent hole and its only going 114. WTH? Can someone tell me what is that ***? And it happend whit diferent clubs too. I do my math and then when you think its good,its 20 yard shorter. How the hell? And there is a lot more that it bother me,but i dont think its gona change any way. Its all about the money. Not about the game. I think..

    Thank you. mezga29

  • SamSpayed
    5,066 Posts
    Fri, Feb 17 2023 9:07 AM

    I am at 98 Legend since 2021. It dont matter how much i play,or how much money i spend i just can't go any futher.Yes i know its not about how much you pay,its about my average. But i dont think its fair.

    Your level is based only on your total XP, not your average or anything else.  The best way to maximize your XP is to play every day.  As you increase your Consecutive Days Played (CDP), the amount of XP you earn for the 1st game you play that day will also increase.  

    Im having problems whit my clubs as well. Im hitting 135 front wind and one hole it goes 130. The same thing ,diferent hole and its only going 114. WTH? Can someone tell me what is that ***? And it happend whit diferent clubs too. I do my math and then when you think its good,its 20 yard shorter.

    Lots of factors influence the distance your ball goes.  The distance and spin ratings of your ball, the spin rating of the club you're using, how much backspin you put on the ball, the strength and direction of the wind (headwind or tailwind), and even the shape of the landing area where your ball hits, to name just a few.  If your math seems off, or inconsistent, try mapping each of your clubs with the ball that you use.  I'd suggest mapping each club with both full backspin and flat (no spin) at a minimum.

    Hope this helps.

  • Duphpherer
    490 Posts
    Fri, Feb 17 2023 9:57 AM

    I'm also level 98 legend. It gets to be a slow grind with the amount of XP to advance and it only gets worse and worse. As Sam mentioned, the daily playing bonus cannot be over stated. Without that it would take an enormous amount of actual playing time to move up.

    You can move to Tour Legend at 60 or less average. You're close there too. 

    I got new clubs recently and am having fits getting them to go consistent distances. Some days, the math works and everything thumps, and then some days nothing works. It can be very frustrating, I'll start to lose confidence, and my mind can't wrap itself around why that club just fell so many yards short or went long. My putter is saving many of my mistakes, but that well can go dry too if visited too often. 

    I do know too much spin built into the ball and/or built into my apparel does NOT help my game. I use full backspin a lot and too much spin only causes inconsistencies in distance. Hitting into moderate/high wind seems to have been tweaked a little recently. Might just be me, I don't know, but now I try to use little to no backspin into strong headwinds. lol   

    The game is supposed to be fun and challenging. If it's no longer fun, then life to too short to suffer here.

    Hope you figure it out. Best of luck! 


  • i1488
    44 Posts
    Fri, Feb 17 2023 2:48 PM

    Hi mezga29 - my suggestion to you is to watch two WGT player's videos on youtube.  They are Young46 and xAmazingTrace.  These are their Youtube handles or names.

    I've been watching their videos for days/weeks now and using their methods of putting, hitting in wind, chipping, etc.  It is quite overwhelming the amount of knowledge they have of this game.  And they share it with us!

    So please watch their videos and like many here have stated, "practice" a lot.  I wish you the very best in your game here.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Fri, Feb 17 2023 11:41 PM

    So im a member since 2011. So about 4 years ago it was a lot faster to level up. I am at 98 Legend since 2021. It dont matter how much i play,or how much money i spend i just can't go any futher.Yes i know its not about how much you pay,its about my average.
    As Sam said, levelling up to L99 is all about XPs (Fleißkärtchen) while tiering up (to Tour Legend) is about average, from stroke play OR may be about XPs (for coin room players).

    Both paths are exponentially more difficult / exhausting at our levels than they were in the beginning. Becoming TL requires 500 ranked games minimum after 50 minimum for Legend, while L98 to L99 takes more XPs (252,000!) than from zero to L82! - see the Reference List.

    But i dont think its fair. I spend way too much money and its nothing. Like the game all ready lost its purpose. Its not even fun anymore to play.
    The grind attached to the higher steps of the game is intentional - it increases the revenue. To fixate on this as a player may cause fatigue, even burn-out.

    It's up to each of us to choose their path - how much money to spend and where to find our fun.

    As a pointer, there's not much to gain from higher levels - just a few expensive clubs until L103, and both you and I are far away from a TL average.

    Finally, allow me an observation and a proposal:

    - You have a big gap between your two wedges, 52° and 64°. Consider to drop the hybrid for an intermitting wedge, helping your short game.

    - You are in a dead CC - only two players active, and the owner went missing four years ago. I have invited you to come over to my CC - have a look at the benefits and the folks and make up your mind about us! Wir sprechen Deutsch!

  • mezga29
    2 Posts
    Sat, Feb 18 2023 12:18 AM

    Thank you so much for your help.

    If you can send me another invite to your CC i would like to join in.

    Thank you mezga29