CSM111: 20/30 % add10 yards, 30/40 % add 20 yards and 40 /50% add 30 yards
I will be the first to say that I am not one of the better players on WGT or in the forums for that matter. Having said that, I never heard of simply adding a set amount of yards for all shots from rough.
I have been using a multiplier to obtain distance and then use the appropriate shot (sometimes) and club.
If I am faced with 30/40 rough, after adjusting for wind, I multiply the adjusted distance by 1.15 (or a 15% increase); 40-50 rough, I use 1.20 and increase by 5% for each jump in rough depth, so, 50/60 would be 1.25.
In deep rough, I tend to use a punch (unless within flopping range) and use the multiplier as stated above.
I never asked anyone if that was correct, just the way I have always done it and, usually, it works out well for me.
I am curious what other (better) players do.