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Creating a new Club - Taking the leap

Mon, Mar 13 2023 9:26 AM (2 replies)
  • lukewestwood10
    857 Posts
    Sun, Mar 12 2023 11:54 PM

    Hi All,

    I have been a WGT player since 2012 (with a large sabbatical) and whilst i have played for 3 clubs since my return (3 Lions, Kelly's Heroes & Intensity) which were all great clubs and as you would expect had a large amount of really nice people in - i just haven't been able to find a club with the right balance of providing a great club co-operative team feeling along with enough internal competition to keep things competitive amongst the members.  I seemed to have found clubs which are brilliant in one aspect or the other.  I had never considered creating my own club before but it occurred to me if i cant find what i am truly looking for i should bite the bullet and try and set a club up.

    Should i get enough interest in response to this message - then that's what i will do.

    My vision would be to create a club which looks to build with the right members over the long term - rather than rush to accept anyone in a bid to progress quickly (when it comes to membership the focus will be on the quality of the people rather than the quantity)

    ideally it would have a fair split across US& Non - US time zones 

    Cap membership around the 80 mark

    My thoughts on setting a club up to try to achieve this balance is to set the following criteria for membership.

    Tier Level - Legend and above only

    Communication - must be prepared to be communicated to through Discord

    I would like to aim to appoint 5 people at the earliest opportunity to the following areas of responsibility

    A) Tournament Director

    B) Clash and TW director

    C) Statistics Director

    D) Member Advocate / Communications Director

    E) Club Owner and strategy Development

    The aim would be to have a club where people feel really comfortable whilst providing both local and WGT competitive events to participate in.

    If you think the above would be something you would be interested in helping me create please message me and we can discuss further. Until then if you see a sad old man wandering the fairways - please let me play through as i will only be a single ball :)

    Thanks for reading this






  • lukewestwood10
    857 Posts
    Mon, Mar 13 2023 9:26 AM

    The club has now been set up its called Legends Above Golf Club


    feel free to send me a message if you are interested in joining me on this journey

  • Pluggy7
    33 Posts
    Mon, Mar 13 2023 11:25 AM

    Hi Colin,I wish you the best of luck with your new adventure.As you know I’m with a club called annihilate which is a club more for turf as you can see by looking at the league tables,we also play lots of clashes always in the top 20 but when we hit it hard we get around 5/7th in the league.which is very good as we only have 50 members. 

    we have in house comps with big payout but being truthful to you not as much as you would like…BUT WE ARE WORKING ON THAT!!

    If your new adventure doesn’t work out, give us a try

    regards Paul