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Recruitment call

rated by 0 users
Sun, Apr 2 2023 4:06 PM (0 replies)
    2,220 Posts
    Sun, Apr 2 2023 4:06 PM


    My club is fairly new (just over a year old) and is only recently started getting involved in the Turf Wars and Clashes

    We are regularly finishing in the top 200 in the clashes and recently , on two occasions, we have even  ended up in the top 100.

    We are looking for new players that know how best to tackle these events more effectively 

    So...... if you fancy a new challenge , or you know anything helpful about these events and are willing to help others/us out then please message me so that i may pick your brains. 

    If you want to join a growing club why not send us a request to join our merry band of misfits

    Houdini and the golden ferret misfits

    All countries welcome, all tiers and we definitely need more active players from the UK & Europe

    If you can help and are willing i'd love to hear from y'all

    Mike (aka Houdini)