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WGT update by Mac

Fri, Dec 6 2024 5:39 AM (19 replies)
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  • varocal
    1 Posts
    Tue, Sep 26 2023 12:30 PM

    I would like to explain that an application called Wgt Golf used to play on my iMac with the High Sierra operating system version 10.13.6, and now it doesn't. It seems that the latest version of the Wgt Golf application is designed to function on systems later than macOS 11...

    I find it unfair to have to purchase a more current iMac just to make the new version of this game work, especially after almost 10 years of regular play. It's disheartening that they do not take into account those of us who do not need to buy another computer to continue enjoying this game.

    Will there be a version available for those of us who don't have a sufficiently up-to-date computer?



  • GWKeil
    5 Posts
    Fri, Sep 29 2023 2:13 PM

    I'm in the same boat as you are. After days of back and forth with support, they finally admitted that I would not be able to play the game with High Sierra. I agree, this s _ _ _ _. I doubt that they really care about us who have to go spend a bunch of money on a new computer just to play their game. About 15 million play this game worldwide, so what's a few disgruntled, frustrated players, really mean to them? I believe, absolutely nothing. Good luck and stay safe.

  • WGTShamWow
    926 Posts
    Sun, Oct 1 2023 10:23 AM

    It does look like with the last update, there was an update to the game engine that our game runs on, Unity. With their update, OSX version 10.13.6 is no longer supported and our game will not run on these older devices. Players would need to either update their OS to a newer version or use a different device if they cannot update their OS. Unfortunately there wouldn't be a way for us to get these older OS devices to run with the new Unity update. 

    Please note that support from Apple for 10.13.6 ended on November 2020, so this OS is no longer receiving security updates or support from Apple. 


  • Stebogo
    9 Posts
    Thu, Oct 5 2023 3:14 PM


    It does look like with the last update, there was an update to the game engine that our game runs on, Unity. With their update, OSX version 10.13.6 is no longer supported and our game will not run on these older devices. Players would need to either update their OS to a newer version or use a different device if they cannot update their OS. Unfortunately there wouldn't be a way for us to get these older OS devices to run with the new Unity update. 

    Please note that support from Apple for 10.13.6 ended on November 2020, so this OS is no longer receiving security updates or support from Apple. 


    There's more to this.  It's not just a High Sierra issue. 

    I'm running an iMac 24 that is less than a year old using an Apple M1 chip with MacOS Sonoma Version 14.0 (23A344) which is fully supported by Apple.

    I know of no other more recent iMac operating system.  

    The WGT app I had before the update will no longer get past the launcher before an error since accepting the update.

    There is no longer an iMac WGT app available in the AppStore.

    I can download and run the iPhone/iPad app but the screen is so compressed that it is barely playable.  Out of respect for fellow Users/Players, I'm trying to only use it in Practice Mode to stay fresh.  The swing Meter is way out of whack on my iMac so shots are all over the place if or until I get used to it.  I only use the H2H games occasionally to find and communicate with other players having the same issue.  All others not with this problem can be sure to win games with me.

    PLEASE make an iMac app available.  

    Those thinking of upgrading their LapTop or DeskTop machines, Don't.  It won't matter what OS you're using if there isn't an iMac App. 

    I have notified customer service but so far not much to go on other than the standard restart/delete/download-again steps that I have already taken.


  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Thu, Oct 5 2023 6:20 PM

    There's more to this.  It's not just a High Sierra issue. 

    I'm running an iMac 24 that is less than a year old using an Apple M1 chip with MacOS Sonoma Version 14.0 (23A344) which is fully supported by Apple.

    I know of no other more recent iMac operating system.  

    The WGT app I had before the update will no longer get past the launcher before an error since accepting the update.

    There is no longer an iMac WGT app available in the AppStore.

    Actually, there never was a native WGT app for Macs in the Apple store. M1 chips can run iOS apps. I think now it just displays the message (see screen shote below). I don't recall seeing the message previously. But it might have been there.

    In any case, click on the "Get" or the cloud icon (if the app was previously installed). it should install. To verify, before posting this, I deleted the app and was able to reinstall it. Before doing that, you might want to see if it's still listed in Applications. If it is and won't open, consider moving it to Trash and then reinstalling from the App store.

    By the way, I have a MacBook M1 Pro (14-inch, 2921) running Sonoma. As you can see in the screenshot, it has "Open," which means the app has been downloaded and is on my computer. The other day, I also verified the Mac OS download (available through WGT's site) will install and play.

    I hope this helps.


  • MarkMark60
    5 Posts
    Fri, Oct 6 2023 6:45 AM

    Try to run the launcher again, there has been another update and it now works fine on my 10.13.6 High Sierra, so I'm not convinced it was totally an Apple issue

  • Stebogo
    9 Posts
    Fri, Oct 6 2023 7:56 AM

    All true.  Now look carefully at your screenshot and you will see "Designed for iPad".

    When I originally loaded WGT I did it from the Website not the App Store.  There was no direction to go to the App Store.  The launcher appeared, did its thing and voila, I was playing with an acceptable screen size and perfectly sized and functioning power meter .

    Now that there has been an update, that 'launcher' crashes.

    I now have no choice but to do what you have done in going to the App Store and loading the iPad/iPhone version and yes, I have done it often enough now that I get the Open icon.

    It gives me a smaller window and a compressed meter that is a severe disadvantage in the playing experience.  

    Said more plainly, the game was better before the 'update' / downgrade.


  • Stebogo
    9 Posts
    Sun, Oct 8 2023 1:34 PM

    MARK!.....YOU sir, are the man.

    Thank you so much for taking an interest in this.

    My first attempt failed as the last time but, because of your sincerity, I knew I shouldn't give up.

    I ended up going to  There I found a link that gets you to the launcher rather than just the AppStore options.

    The launcher failed again but not with the "run patcher in administrator mode" this time.

    After a couple of tries, it dawned on me that I should drag the launcher download into the applications folder and start it there.

    BINGO!  Not only did it run without an error, it looked for an update and found one just as you mentioned.  It ran and froze.  After another couple of tries, the update completed and instructed to restart.

    Then there was the Self Patcher that failed because of some sort of "out-of-bounds" exception.  Retry and voila I started to hear that dreadful WGT music.

    All this commotion gave me no less than 7 different WGT icons in the Task Bar.  After I sorted out all the clunkers and redundancies the heavens opened and the angels' trumpets began to play drowning out the horrid WGT bumper music.  My large and glorious screen WAS BACK!  The long, slender easy to manage meter is back and functioning correctly. 

    All this because of MarkMark giving a hoot and taking the compassionate step of posting a solution in a forum.

    BRAVO!  Thanks man, much appreciated!

    Here's the bad news.  Now I have no excuse.  I have to find a way to stop suking at this game.  :)



  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Sun, Oct 8 2023 6:31 PM

    Now look carefully at your screenshot and you will see "Designed for iPad".

    Yes, I realize it states that. But that designation (by Apple) does indicate the app will run on M1 (Apple silicon) units. See here:

    "In the Mac App Store, iPhone and iPad apps that work on Mac computers with Apple silicon are labeled with Designed for iPhone or Designed for iPad."


    It gives me a smaller window and a compressed meter that is a severe disadvantage in the playing experience.

    Personally, I've never seen any differences across versions on my Mac. If users are seeing a smaller window, then they might want o make sure the app settings are set to launch with Window size set to "larger."

    To ensure that, go to the menu bar:

    WGT Golf->Settings->General->check radio button "larger" for window size.

    Having said that, I think the Mac OS version (in some ways) is better because it provides more controls within the game (such as display settings, if I recall correctly).

    Personally, I like the app from the Apple store because I can run the videos for free credits. Of course, they could have added that to the Mac OS version, and I wouldn't know because I haven't tried that version for quite some time now.

  • mojocracker
    18 Posts
    Thu, Nov 16 2023 9:43 AM

    Agreed.  I had this same issue with the last new version.  And then a few weeks later it worked on my v.11 Mac again.  Problem solved.  Today new version release again and... once again ... black screening on my Mac.  I love developers.... NOT!!!!



    "I would like to explain that an application called Wgt Golf used to play on my iMac with the High Sierra operating system version 10.13.6, and now it doesn't. It seems that the latest version of the Wgt Golf application is designed to function on systems later than macOS 11...

    I find it unfair to have to purchase a more current iMac just to make the new version of this game work, especially after almost 10 years of regular play. It's disheartening that they do not take into account those of us who do not need to buy another computer to continue enjoying this game.

    Will there be a version available for those of us who don't have a sufficiently up-to-date computer?"




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