MARK!.....YOU sir, are the man.
Thank you so much for taking an interest in this.
My first attempt failed as the last time but, because of your sincerity, I knew I shouldn't give up.
I ended up going to There I found a link that gets you to the launcher rather than just the AppStore options.
The launcher failed again but not with the "run patcher in administrator mode" this time.
After a couple of tries, it dawned on me that I should drag the launcher download into the applications folder and start it there.
BINGO! Not only did it run without an error, it looked for an update and found one just as you mentioned. It ran and froze. After another couple of tries, the update completed and instructed to restart.
Then there was the Self Patcher that failed because of some sort of "out-of-bounds" exception. Retry and voila I started to hear that dreadful WGT music.
All this commotion gave me no less than 7 different WGT icons in the Task Bar. After I sorted out all the clunkers and redundancies the heavens opened and the angels' trumpets began to play drowning out the horrid WGT bumper music. My large and glorious screen WAS BACK! The long, slender easy to manage meter is back and functioning correctly.
All this because of MarkMark giving a hoot and taking the compassionate step of posting a solution in a forum.
BRAVO! Thanks man, much appreciated!
Here's the bad news. Now I have no excuse. I have to find a way to stop suking at this game. :)