My take on "quitting". (Not that it matters.) I have been playing this game alone for quite sometime. I had no problems with connection loss whatsoever. I recently got my brother to join, The first 3 or 4 games we played, at some point during the game, I would get a message telling me that there was a problem with Internet Explorers connection & that it was going to terminate the connection to the game. It was disturbing but I knew my brother would understand. I then got an invite from a nice gentleman in New Zealand. On the ninth hole I was disconnected with the dreaded "Explorer" message. Needless to say, I was quite embarrassed. After reading all the negative comments about quitting I immediately went to his profile page & issued an apology and explanation. I have since downloaded Google Chrome & turn LOOP off before playing ( don't know how or if this helps but someone on here suggested it & I thought it could'nt hurt.) I have not had one incident in several games. My point is, I, no doubt , would have been branded a "quitter", thru no fault of my own, had I not done this. I'm sure many quit out of frustration & embarrassment, but not all. ~ Jon