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Meter speed question

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Tue, Feb 6 2024 3:11 PM (25 replies)
  • azdave
    5 Posts
    Sun, Jan 28 2024 6:58 PM

    My driver has a 4.5 rating and the ball has a 5.0 rating.  Is the act of driving the ball just an average of the ball and club?

  • gherkinhead1
    249 Posts
    Sun, Jan 28 2024 11:26 PM

    not saying,  it's a secret

  • Yiannis1970
    3,328 Posts
    Mon, Jan 29 2024 1:18 AM

    Well, that's an interesting question!!

    I don't believe anyone all these years has ever tested what you are asking. Now...considering that there are a lot of drivers out there and a bunch of balls with diferent speeds, would be some work to do to come up with a certain answer.

    However, i am willing to try. I will take as a reference the rock ball and then i will try balls with: 1,2,3,4,5 etc meter speeds to have a result in percentages.

    Then i will do the same with the standard driver.

  • Slimjim001
    1,058 Posts
    Mon, Jan 29 2024 9:27 AM

    Someone told me years ago that the meter speed was whichever was slower, the ball or club. I'll be interested to see what Yannis comes up with. 


  • SamSpayed
    5,043 Posts
    Mon, Jan 29 2024 1:35 PM


    Someone told me years ago that the meter speed was whichever was slower, the ball or club. 

    You were told wrong.  The meter speed you see on your screen = the meter speed of your club + the meter speed of your ball.  It's a combination of the two.  You can see this yourself very easily.  Hit your normal ball (L93 TM / 4.0 speed) from the tee box on any course.  Then hit a starter ball (0.0 speed) from the tee box.  You'll see a noticeable difference in how fast your meter moves on both shots.

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Mon, Jan 29 2024 2:16 PM

    short answer

    it's additive. 

    same thing with spin ratings of balls and clubs.

    that's why those level 90ish irons are often coupled with a higher meter rated ball. need it to make up for the crappy meter rating on the irons. 



  • Slimjim001
    1,058 Posts
    Tue, Jan 30 2024 6:51 AM

    Yup, tested it and your right. I did know that it was a good thing to try to match the ball and club meter speeds for a more consistent meter.

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Tue, Jan 30 2024 9:16 AM


    Yup, tested it and your right. I did know that it was a good thing to try to match the ball and club meter speeds for a more consistent meter.

    While I've read that before (i.e., matching club meter speed and ball meter speed), I've never read where anyone has given a rationale for why they believe that to be true.

    I can understand matching meter speeds across clubs. Even so, I don't think it makes that much of a difference if there's some mismatch. For example, while my driver is 4.5, my irons are 4.0 and my wedges are 3.5. I've never seen any issues with that mix. But, then again, I don't play competitively. 

    In my opinion, to achieve consistency, I think it's more important to pick one ball and stick with it. At least, I believe that's the best approach for most players.

    The best players, however, can most likely play whatever ball they want and play well. Indeed, I'd guess some of them (to some extent) probably choose the ball they play based on the course they're playing at the moment.

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Tue, Jan 30 2024 10:39 AM

    I did know that it was a good thing to try to match the ball and club meter speeds for a more consistent meter.


    this is one of those long time wgt old wives tales that gets passed around. it's not true.


    If you want a "consistent meter" then have your driver 3w and irons all have the same meter rating. then the meter speed will be the same between all 3.

    now that being said. 

    if you add the club meter rating and the ball meter rating that sum is what matters. (apparel meter ratings are also additive)

    So if i have a club with a 3.0 rating and a 5.0 rated ball the meter will perform at the same speed and acceleration as a 4.0 ball and a 4.0 club.

    by comparison a 0 meter ball and a 4.0 meter club will be significantly faster.


    some people for years have said that matching clubs and ball meter ratings meant smoother meters and less jumpiness.

    it's all hogwash. jumpy meters are due to memory resources, either RAM or Video, being overwhelmed. or by the APP not being a priority. so the data being sent and processed by the monitor and  video card is being interrupted.  

  • Yiannis1970
    3,328 Posts
    Tue, Jan 30 2024 2:37 PM

    Unfortunately the standard driver has the same meter speed as my main driver, so, i have to try again with driver vs 3 wood or irons. However, have discovered some interesting things making this video.