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Animated avatar is silly

Tue, Jul 2 2024 5:33 PM (30 replies)
  • troubledwaters
    1 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2024 11:03 AM

    It's stupid and distracting, give option to turn off please

  • BOZskills
    404 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2024 11:04 AM

    I agree there should be an option to turn animation on or off like shadows. But unfortunately like everything wgt does,(white putting line) its here to stay. Wgt basically says like it or lump it,thats how they feel about their customers!

  • Martin1966
    97 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2024 4:13 PM

    Really sorry.  I totally love it.

    Thought I was imagining things when I was three beers deep, but then realised it was a thing.

    It does slow down play, so maybe an option in settings would suit the quicker golfers out there.

    I think you need the re map the ladies swing thought, It looks like that special guy on Facebook.

  • Martin1966
    97 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2024 4:13 PM

    Really sorry.  I totally love it.

    Thought I was imagining things when I was three beers deep, but then realised it was a thing.

    It does slow down play, so maybe an option in settings would suit the quicker golfers out there.

    I think you need to re map the ladies swing though, It looks like that special guy on Facebook.

  • GreenLaser
    192 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2024 5:46 PM

    It generally slows play, but it only really bothers me on games that have a shot timer.  It bothers me enough that I'll probably stop playing Showdowns, Turf Wars, and anything else with a shot timer. I'm okay with it if they would get rid of the pre-shot animation.

  • PDorland
    2,885 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2024 10:32 PM

    A complete waste of time programming this silliness. A total distraction.. The putting stroke looks spring loaded.. Blowing $ on this was not a bright idea.

    How about adding something useful like MORE NEW COURSES..

    There’s a thought


  • EntropiaBones
    17 Posts
    Sun, Jun 30 2024 6:31 AM

    A much better animation , would be to hold the left mouse button down and allow the view to pan around the character on screen. 

    This would allow for more a sense of the environment in which we are playing. 

  • pmm711
    5,575 Posts
    Sun, Jun 30 2024 1:08 PM


    It generally slows play, but it only really bothers me on games that have a shot timer.  It bothers me enough that I'll probably stop playing Showdowns, Turf Wars, and anything else with a shot timer. I'm okay with it if they would get rid of the pre-shot animation.

    Agree 100%...if you're playing a match with a timer, especially a 10 second one, the initial animation interferes too much with one's thought and shot planning.  

    This whole thing has me thinking about the very bright and blinding flashes back in the day when you'd make a bird or eagle.  The devs introduced that without warning and they scaled things back after much feedback from the playing community.  I'm hoping they'll adjust this animation in a similar manner...tweaking things as necessary based on the playing community feedback.

  • maoriand1
    1,283 Posts
    Mon, Jul 1 2024 6:09 AM

    I would love to turn it off

  • OkapiWoods
    6 Posts
    Mon, Jul 1 2024 10:54 AM

    Me also. The Avatar appears to be modelled on the jerkiness of Jack Douglas.

    With putting, the spring loaded putt is just lazy. Plus when near the Green the Avatar appears to play the shot before you - although it is a practice. Not needed.