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stock clubs

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Wed, Sep 18 2024 10:55 AM (23 replies)
  • dazza522
    6 Posts
    Mon, Sep 9 2024 8:20 PM

    how does one get good clubs, you make it out of reach for some, yet you give us these stock clubs, that on certain courses like wolf creek, my driver can not make it to the fairway let alone the green, how about making it easier to gain better clubs than have to sell your sole in getting free credits by giving all your personnel data over for coins

  • BlackBogey
    578 Posts
    Tue, Sep 10 2024 9:32 PM

    What personal data are be asked to give over for coins? 

    In my opinion videos are pretty worthless for getting credits anyway as they are only 2 per video, totally not worth the time involved for that. 

    Best bet is to get yourself an Android device and do some 2X credit weekends on TapJoy game downloads.  Although with you being down under I'm not sure what all offer you guys get.  

  • BlackBogey
    578 Posts
    Thu, Sep 12 2024 11:49 AM


    I disagree blackbogey on your comment about 2 credit video's. They are worth it as i have saved well over $1000 ( by watching them & not spending any money by doing so.I  still have time to play as much as i want & would not touch tap joy by the way , He is 100% right on to much info.  I also think the person meant credits as i read between the lines. Hagd .

    To each their own.  You've saved over $1000, I assume since joining in 2017, so just over 7 years.  I saved about $630 in the last 3 weeks through a TapJoy 2x credit weekend $695 really, but spent $65), and several thousand over the last few months. 

    If your time is worth it for you to watch 20-30 second videos for a measly 2 credits each, more power to you!  But my time is more valuable than that to me, especially when they don't pay out the full 150 credits all the time.  I'd put them only slightly better than the surveys, which are absolutely the worst. 

    As to too much personal info, you don't have to give any info what-so-ever to watch videos, so I have no idea what either of you are talking about, unless it's the surveys (which want to gather all sorts of personal info).

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,659 Posts
    Thu, Sep 12 2024 1:45 PM

    Fully agreed to what Jay wrote above. Well penned! 👍

    ⇩⇩ What a magnanimous gesture, Lesley! 👍👍 ⇩⇩

  • bossbird
    2,240 Posts
    Thu, Sep 12 2024 1:50 PM


    how does one get good clubs, you make it out of reach for some, yet you give us these stock clubs, that on certain courses like wolf creek, my driver can not make it to the fairway let alone the green, how about making it easier to gain better clubs than have to sell your sole in getting free credits by giving all your personnel data over for coins

    Send me a friend requis âne we can message about what you want most , I don’t mind buying you some gear , Lesley

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Thu, Sep 12 2024 2:59 PM

    Everybody has to figure out what works best for themselves. That tapjoy ones never appealed to me. For whatever reason, every time I looiked at them, I never saw anything I wanted to purchase. That's just me.

    For me, the 2-credit videos have worked well and take zero time out my day. While I'm watching TV at night, I simply click on them. I get what I get. 

    Of course, back in the day when unlimited videos were available, maybe it took a bit of time out of my day (minutes a day). But I was still able to play the videos without detriment to anything else I was doing. Then again, my time isn't all that valuable! 😉

    In total, over the years, I've earned over $7,000 of credits. More credits than I ever needed, which allowed me to participate in the giveaways (when we had them). 

    Again, people should embrace what works for them. 😀

  • BlackBogey
    578 Posts
    Thu, Sep 12 2024 3:39 PM


    Everybody has to figure out what works best for themselves. That tapjoy ones never appealed to me. For whatever reason, every time I looiked at them, I never saw anything I wanted to purchase. That's just me.

    I don't do the purchase offers (like Olay or the meal-in-a-box subscriptions), just the downloadable games.  Now, I will make an in-game purchase on those games if the return rate is at least 3X the normal WGT value.  Last 2X weekend I downloaded Puzzles and Survival, played it about an hour a day (in the background while I was already online).  It paid 69k credits and was done in 3 weeks.  I did spend $65 inside that game, but those purchases allowed me to reach the higher paying levels and I got 18,842 credits for that $65 (vs. 6500 credits I would've got for the same $65 if through WGT).


    Again, people should embrace what works for them. 😀

    Couldn't have said it better myself, I just find the videos to be a complete waste of time FOR ME. 

    Plus, OP was bemoaning all the personal info he is asked to give up to watch videos, and someone else chimed in they agreed, and I have no idea what they are talking about.  Unless you actually interact with the video there is absolutely no personal info being traded (other than what give up by viewing any web page)


  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Thu, Sep 12 2024 3:58 PM


    Hey, I'm with ya. Totally agree. 

  • craigswan
    32,075 Posts
    Fri, Sep 13 2024 6:13 AM
    Tapjoy does not work in UK .