Good point, or we can finally say that we can use silver coins to get boxes and balls ect, and not gold coins. That is providing you win or get on prize board.
I definitely won't be winning any weekly prizes, but daily always possible, today I started with only 3hrs left to play and still got a first place with a score just over 2000, and only played about1.5 hrs. I probably will try for daily again but weekly no chance, top peeps already well over 18k 😲🤔.
Gl all happy smashing.
Edit. If I bought what I won with gold coins, it would of cost me 3,935 in gold coins which is about 28-29 great British pounds, the xp ultra boost would of been 2,160gc on its own.
So im kinda happy that I can finally get rid of and make use of the silver coins I been gathering over the last 15yrs, all 93mil of em.