The only consistent thing in this game is inconsistency. I know it because I have restarted over and over again trying to look for some patterns and the only patterns that were consistent were inconsistencies. I started an unlimited game (CTTH) and writing down all details.. Must have started it like 30 times or more so I got all kinds of winds. Tried everything from dinging to missing right or left of the meter. All results were different. Also proved me once again that meter is never consistent either' thus with left wind you may try to pull it and meter go super fast and you get a ding.... next time you try again and you really pull it... and then the next it won't stop until it crosses the line.... With all this randomness no doubt you will get good and bad rounds with good and bad conditions. If you add up that putting is sometimes impossible and others you can't seem to be wrong even when you miss... I assure you WGT is a 75-25 skill- luck game and sometimes these numbers can go up or down.
For those who think meter has the same speed all the time I assure you that it won't. If you still wonder why you tried to click before and your meter went passed the line(look at the water right). When there is a hazard to the right WGT made the meter go faster(at least most of the times in my opinion). In another hole you aim at the fairway very close to the rough left... your meter can be a turtle sometimes... hasn't it happened to you? But in another hole it may perform as usual....
With all this I am sure that a good round is a blessing and when anyone gets a very good score against VEM should be congratulated. Playing and getting good scores is skills plus a lottery.