Im now only about 3 days away from a set of R11 irons which has got me wondering what delights we're likely to be offered in the future.
As I see it a better set of irons is going to be a problem. If the R11 really are so much better than the Burner 2 then it's hard to see how any future releases can offer much improvement without spoiling the game. Scores are already pretty crazy with a 49 probably due some time soon. If the next set of irons go one step beyond the R11 then it's going to get silly. That's assuming it hasn't already become silly.
It has been suggested, and I tend to agree, that each new iron released is really only as good as the previous best. This old best iron has it's stats altered to make it less precise or forgiving than it was at release. There are of course many critics of this theory but realistically the irons can't keep getting better and better, the game will be the worse for it if they do.
What I'd like to see is a new set of irons (driver and 3 wood too) that hit the ball further than any other, have very high precision and spin but low forgiveness and a maxed out meter. If the rewards for hitting the ball right are high it's only fair that a missed ding is punuished harshly. Players will have a choice; use slightly inferior clubs that you can be pretty sure of hitting well or go for the Formula 1 of irons knowing that if you get it wrong it's going to be nasty. You can still be very competitive with the slower meter gear but the new fast meter stuff might shave a shot or two off your round. Or it might be a disaster. There needs to be that element of risk.
Obviously WGT has to keep offering new gear to keep the $$$ rolling in but it's getting hard to see where they can go. Can we really expect wedges that perform better than the Clevelands to come along some time? Hard to imagine somehow.