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So, where do we go from here?

Wed, Jun 20 2012 4:23 PM (33 replies)
  • TomFetner
    34 Posts
    Fri, Dec 23 2011 5:00 PM

    To throw my 2 cents worth in, this is a copy of a reply to a similar post on future clubs that I made:

    What I am REALLY waiting for are the kinds of clubs that you see the professionals playing with, forged, muscle back, irons.  None of the clubs (all cavity backed) that we play with here would be in the bag of a tour pro (with maybe the exception of the TM2’s and R11’s).  To make them equivalent to their real life counterpart, they would need to have even faster meter speeds than the R11’s.  A pro's clubhead speed comes from turning over their wrist at impact so a faster meter would be the "virtual" equivalent to this (and equivelent in difficulty).  A set of Taylor Made Tour Preferred’s would be perfect for legends playing from the way back tees.  They would be precise, long, and all of them, from wedge to 3 iron, would stop on a dime.  The distances would need to be around 235 to 130 from 3 to W.  If you hit them off the ding they would still go straight but not nearly as far.

  • genorb
    1,255 Posts
    Fri, Dec 23 2011 5:29 PM


    The difference between the R11s and the Burners isn't as big as you think. They're better but in subtle ways that take a while to appreciate. As long as there's faster meter room my guess is that future clubs are going to be faster metered, at least. That would certainly make them harder to use. Those dots are filling up pretty fast.

    Where we are going.... Let me make a guess. (but I hope it will not happen, we don't need new irons!). Let assume that new irons are coming at some point and that they will be better than the R11. 

    To be interesting you need to improve precision, then you reach the maximum (5 dots). You could also improve a bit forgiveness. But then you start to reach quickly a maximum (spin also is almost at maximum). The only parameter left is indeed the meter speed. But if this is too fast, then it's not obvious that you gain something compared to the R11 if you cannot stop the meter close enough to the ding consistently.

    But, there are still room for the feel of balls (we have 3 dots now for the nike balls). So together with that set of irons with very fast meter, they could propose a new very expensive ball with 3.5-4 dots for feel such as with those balls the meter is as fast as the meter of the R11 with Callaway balls for example. So if you want to play with these new extraordinary irons (and to play well), you need to get those (expensive) balls...

    I don't like at all this possibility but who knows what will happen...


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Dec 23 2011 6:52 PM

    The only parameter left is indeed the meter speed. But if this is too fast, then it's not obvious that you gain something compared to the R11 if you cannot stop the meter close enough to the ding consistently.

    This gets tied to the forgiveness and there's room to move there. Plus, mastering the faster meter is not that difficult for many so the precision reward might be worth the effort to learn it. The ball idea is a real possibility, especially when you think of $50 and up RGs and the clientele that that will attract-top dawg no matter the cost types. Quite a viable market, I would assume. Expensive clubs and balls will attract . If you have that kind of $ to burn the cost of equipment is not a factor.

    The game will still be here for the less fortunate.

  • Phaxda
    145 Posts
    Fri, Dec 23 2011 7:07 PM

    I agree, reading lies is very subjective--it's one of those tings that was in Links Pro that I really loved trying to master and one of the things that kept that game from being ridiculous (what did make it ridiculous was the same wind every time, at least in the earlier versions). But I do miss the challenge of reading a lie--I remember praying that I would not get a horrendous sidehill lie in between the Oakmont pew bunkers, just sheer hell from there as it should be. 




    Sidehill lie's would take about 1-2 weeks to master and then we're back to square 1. IMO

    I disagree. Club adjustment for the different lies is very subjective and you would have to be on your toes for every shot. Monkeying with clubs is something WGT swears will never happen. But, add adjustments for stance and club face and you have a challenge every time you take a shot. And that's not even counting whatever VEM tweaks are applied.

    I would venture to say there wouldn't be copious amounts of 50s being shot, let alone consistent low 60s.


  • 3puttsSuk
    361 Posts
    Fri, Dec 23 2011 7:21 PM

    Meter Speed, Precision, Forgiveness, Ball Characteristics, adjustments for stance and club face all important factors.

    I really liked the variable meter speed through the iron set (long irons are harder to hit)

    Also maxing out the meter so the reward for ding is greater and the punishment for missing it is as great.  Watching the Pros on TV crushing the ball with all their might, when they mishit it it shows.

    The only other thing I've read about is changing from the 2 click swing.  TrueSwing sounded too easy to rig and a 3 click system didn't show much approval either.  It just seems that being able to pull a club back to an exact point in your swing makes the shot a whole lot easier.

    My only other thought for now is Drive for show and Putt for Dough.  The various diffenences in Tournament Green ( course to course and tier to tier) make an adjustable daily stimp meter (by WGT) seem like a reasonable idea.

    Anyway, none of it affects me. I'm still mediocre but still addicted to this wonderful game.  Thanks WGT.

  • RUSTY40
    255 Posts
    Fri, Dec 23 2011 7:50 PM

    IMO the only thing that will make will make any difference at this point is for the game to take into account the lie and slope of the fairways, rough and bunkers.

  • Yappy22
    733 Posts
    Fri, Dec 23 2011 8:19 PM

    They have pretty much used up what they got to change unless they start adding all sorts of variables, uphill, side hill,down hill, hand and foot placements,draw and fade,divots ect. I also like the idea of many sets of clubs with different characteristics, not one set does it all like they have it now.I think they could make the game way harder back to were average guys like me are shooting par most of the time and a 67 is a big deal. It's to easy now.We need more challenges. Real golf is very frustrating that's why we keep playing trying to get better. Should be the same here.

  • danohi50
    1,020 Posts
    Tue, Jun 5 2012 9:45 PM





    It's either that or just slash the average distance of every club in the pro shop by 20yards.


    that would be a much easier solution, but it isn't necessary.  a more subtle way to make the game harder would be to tweak the way the long and mid irons play.  in real life the clubs get much harder to hit, while here we have 3-irons with slow meters that can throw darts from 220+ yards.  If they tweaked the sets so the meter got a little faster as you go down through the set it would bring difficulty back while simultaneously making cheating much much tougher.  giving the clubs less spin than they currently have would also help, and make it more realistic.

    Really good idea about a gradual quickening meter. One of the best suggestions ive heard in a long time.

    An even better solution would be introduce uphill/downhill/sidehill lies. Making it more difficult just to throw darts at the flag. Now even if your ball is sitting on a sidehill lie it goes as straight as the wind and your ability to ding the meter allows it to. Add realistic lie performance where a lie below your feet would tend to go right while a lie above your feet would tend to go left, And an uphill lie would tend to land shorter while a downhill  lie would tend to go longer. 

    Adjusting the speeds of some clubs in the set would most likely make it more difficult to time the meter for every club. I mean it is hard enough when your driver and 3 wood has one speed and you iron set has another and your wedges have another and different speeds within the iron set would really make it a mess. Leave the speeds alone and add realistic lie performance. 

    No doubt! Ive been barking about that for years. They even had it for a time on the upcoming product lists, then it disappeared without any explanation.

    Lie performance should come first before artificial tweek's

    Any change to difficulty: It should be remembered by the community..most legends really only have a WGT avg of around 68. The game's not to easy, not too hard  IMHO

  • pjctas0822
    4,622 Posts
    Tue, Jun 5 2012 10:00 PM

    If WGT wants to make this game challenging for Legends then I think they should limit the club choices. Getting better equipment is just going to bore people to death once they get good at this game.


    I say level out each Tier by limiting them to which equipment they can use that way its an incentive to move up.


  • WGTadmin2
    1,152 Posts
    Wed, Jun 20 2012 11:40 AM

    Thanks for this very constructive tread, keep up the great posts.