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Christmas or April Fool's Day

Sat, Dec 24 2011 10:34 PM (22 replies)
  • lkennedy
    194 Posts
    Sat, Dec 24 2011 9:51 AM

      This may come off as sounding ungrateful, but I personally can make do without the one (1) free WGT ball with the durability of a Kardashian marriage.


      Is this meant to be a joke?  One (1) ball?  Is this really how WGT wishes to thank the many players who spend their hard earned money on this site?  Some show of appreciation.  A 50 cent virtual ball.  Wow!!  Thanks, Santa!


      I already knew that WGT was money hungry, but to offer this paltry gift is a little like giving your personal secretary a year-old fruitcake.  Try giving the valet a nickel and see what shape your car comes back in.


      Am I ungrateful?  Maybe.  Am I insulted?  Yes.


    A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL (even World Grinch Tour).





  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Sat, Dec 24 2011 10:01 AM

    durability of a Kardashian marriage.



    Agree in regards to the free ball.   But better than nothing I guess.  It's a perfect ball to take to the water course and make some pink Kool-aid though :)

  • Spacklero
    386 Posts
    Sat, Dec 24 2011 10:04 AM

    what would have been cool is to give us a maxed out ball to play with. Full dots in all categories. Just one for each player....

  • tiffer67
    1,764 Posts
    Sat, Dec 24 2011 10:05 AM

    Have to agree, what's more they could have filled my bag with 100 of them and I wouldn't use them. A free gift of a ball is only useful if that's the ball you happen play. This is a bit like giving a ten pin bowler a free curling stone......

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Sat, Dec 24 2011 10:33 AM

    I think it's a nice gesture. WGT could of gave everyone a car and someone would've still complained. Its not the gift we receive that matters, it's the thought of giving from ungrudging kindness. Is everyone who gets a gift on Christmas day going to say to their spouses and family members, thanks for nothing, it's not what I wanted?

    Its better to give then receive.

  • OmegaManKFH
    113 Posts
    Sat, Dec 24 2011 10:39 AM

    Dear WGT,

    Thanks for the ball. Since some of the people don't like the single ball you are giving out. Please send them all to me. I have no problems using them. Truthfully, they neither help or hurt my game, but are better than what I purchase. But, I am not in the position to throw money around and I will take all I can get. I don't mind the color or the vapor trail. I received my ball and put it into play right away. 

    Quite frankly, I highly doubt I will ever spend $2-4.50 on a sleeve of balls anyway. Sorry to inform you of this. Merry Christmas to all, even those who don't like the red ball. 


    Side Note to WGT:
    Maybe you could have sent everyone a sleeve of what they purchase most.  They are virtual and wouldn't have broke the bank. Maybe next year. 



  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Sat, Dec 24 2011 10:47 AM

    Maybe you could have sent everyone a sleeve of what they purchase most.  They are virtual and wouldn't have broke the bank.

    Maybe not have broke the bank, but there was still the cost of staff, namely the developers who had to write the code. I do see your point on the equipment being virtual though.

    Merry Christmas.

  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Sat, Dec 24 2011 11:03 AM

    And I was so looking forward to 1/2 price clubs ,,

  • OmegaManKFH
    113 Posts
    Sat, Dec 24 2011 11:08 AM


    Maybe you could have sent everyone a sleeve of what they purchase most.  They are virtual and wouldn't have broke the bank.

    Maybe not have broke the bank, but there was still the cost of staff, namely the developers who had to write the code. I do see your point on the equipment being virtual though.

    Merry Christmas.

    That wasn't meant to be nasty. To give up a sleeve of what everyone purchases most is what I think many pro shops will do for their loyal customers. I know a lot of courses that give 18 hole rounds to their loyal players. It's not that uncommon. That's why it's called "appreciation". I'm in no way making light of the single ball I received from WGT. 

    And, I highly doubt it took too many staff members to change the color of a ball and program it to be given to all who sign in today and tomorrow. 
    I appreciated it and used it right away. I'd take the 100 that the other poster wouldn't use, in a heart beat. 

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Sat, Dec 24 2011 11:16 AM

    That wasn't meant to be nasty.

    I'm in no way making light of the single ball I received from WGT.

    Agreed. I was only sharing that thought.