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Legend's help needed to become a Legend

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Sat, Dec 31 2011 2:15 PM (32 replies)
  • BaconButty
    116 Posts
    Fri, Dec 30 2011 3:05 PM


    Playing ranked games or stroke tournaments, which count as ranked games, is the only way to elevate tiers.  If you want to be Legend, ranked games is the only way to get there.

     Hi 100% true.....Thank you


  • BaconButty
    116 Posts
    Fri, Dec 30 2011 3:11 PM


    It's a game, you play for the enjoyment. The best thing about this one is that it continues to get harder as you progress, it's not like some computer games that if you get stuck you look up a cheat to solve the problem. Practise is the only answer to most of your problems.

    Wow, slow down it is a computer game. like you l am not a real Pro golfer am just a gamer

  • BaconButty
    116 Posts
    Fri, Dec 30 2011 11:54 PM



    I certaintly don't know. My guess is that the formula is beyond just ave. score. Have you won anything? How well have you done in CTTH? It is way beyond playing St andys 9 hole rounds, over & over again to pad a absurd average.

    SweetiePie hits a nerve with me, big time! I go on the Forum regularly and I'm aware that she is truly a Legend, amongst Legends and always talks complete sense.

    Only starting this game on September 11th, ( you don't forget a date like that ) I have made some fantastic friends on here, who have been very generous to me ( 12 Months out of work ) and I have recently been promoted to Master, which in my opinion, was far too soon. My confidence is now 'shot to bits' as I try to claw back the average, that went from 68 to 76 overnight !

    If she invited me to play tomorrow, I would be truly honoured. If she asked me to play St Andrews, 9 hole rounds, then I'd probably have a go.... and hope I didn't make too much of a cretin of myself. If however, she asked me to play a CTTH challenge, then I would ignore the invite and pretend I was in the toilet, because I know that I can't, because I'm rubbish at it, as a Master !

    The case rests for SweetiePie !


    l don't have a problem with sweetiePie or any one am just asking for some help on becoming a better player, lets not get OTT on this after all this is just a internet game and l am not a real Pro. In a way by me asking for help l am tying to stop what has happend to you. l wish you luck with your golf.

  • Glossopade
    518 Posts
    Sat, Dec 31 2011 3:24 AM


    Sorry Mate. I wasn't trying to go OTT, merely pointing out that when I sat back and looked at where I am..... sweetiePie was 100 % correct, as far as my game is concerned.

    I wish you well my friend.

  • Longwedge
    885 Posts
    Sat, Dec 31 2011 8:23 AM

    Mr. Bacon,

    I know what you are asking, where's the math involved? At the end of the day, it's a computer program, and computers only know numbers right?  I'm with you in a lot of ways.  I can tell you where the math helps me:

    • Green elevation - I use 3 feet in elevation = 1 yard in distance. Therefore a green elevated 24 feet = 8 yards to my shot.
    • Putting elevation - 1 inch in elevation = 1 foot in speed. Therefore a 15 foot putt that is 5 inches uphill I hit with a 20 foot stroke.

    That's the only Math that I know of, that I can promise will work.  Wind is a different animal because it comes from so many directions and is very different depending on distance from the pin, ball spin, and club trajectory.  There's no one answer I can give you, but my suggestions are:

    • Use top spin to minimize the wind, and backspin will maximize the winds.
    • The further out you are, the more the wind will affect your shot. So a 15 MPH wind will move the ball more at 160 yards than it will at 100 yards.
    • Winds that are side to side are accentuated by missing the meter in the direction the wind is blowing. So if you are at the tee box and you have a left to right wind, and you miss the meter right, it's going to go a long way right.

    So what are my words of wisdom?:

    • Take notes as you play each hole.  This may sound stupid to those who are of the "it's just a game" mentality, but it helps if you take the game seriously.
    • Learn your clubs in practice rounds.  Practice round scores don't count, so I use every shot on every hole. Example: After your drive, grab your PW and hit a full swing down the fairway, then turn around and hit it back down the fairway and take a reading of how far it actually went on both shots. Then, turn around again, take a little off and see how far it goes. Notate it. Then, turn around again and take a little off and see how far it goes. Notate it.  Then, turn around again and apply full backspin and see what kind of difference it makes to your distance.  I got this idea from a good friend of mine, and one of the great players Hanswurst72.
    • Practice your shots around the greens. Legends are deadly accurate with the chip and flop shots.  Legends aren't trying to merely get close, we are trying to sink it.

    Well I hope I was able to help. Good luck to ya and good hitting.


  • JaLaBar
    1,254 Posts
    Sat, Dec 31 2011 9:39 AM

    Practice your shots around the greens. Legends are deadly accurate with the chip and flop shots.  Legends aren't trying to merely get close, we are trying to sink it.

    I love this quote.  It always bugs me when I'm hitting a 16y chip from off the green, leaving it 3y away, and having someone say 'ns'.  I do not feel anything outside a yard is a nice shot when I am chipping.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Dec 31 2011 11:14 AM

     It always bugs me when I'm hitting a 16y chip from off the green, leaving it 3y away, and having someone say 'ns'.  I do not feel anything outside a yard is a nice shot when I am chipping.

    And I love this quote. It might have been a nt but a ns doesn't fit.  :-)

  • BaconButty
    116 Posts
    Sat, Dec 31 2011 11:27 AM


    Mr. Bacon,

    I know what you are asking, where's the math involved? At the end of the day, it's a computer program, and computers only know numbers right?  I'm with you in a lot of ways.  I can tell you where the math helps me:

    • Green elevation - I use 3 feet in elevation = 1 yard in distance. Therefore a green elevated 24 feet = 8 yards to my shot.
    • Putting elevation - 1 inch in elevation = 1 foot in speed. Therefore a 15 foot putt that is 5 inches uphill I hit with a 20 foot stroke.

    That's the only Math that I know of, that I can promise will work.  Wind is a different animal because it comes from so many directions and is very different depending on distance from the pin, ball spin, and club trajectory.  There's no one answer I can give you, but my suggestions are:

    • Use top spin to minimize the wind, and backspin will maximize the winds.
    • The further out you are, the more the wind will affect your shot. So a 15 MPH wind will move the ball more at 160 yards than it will at 100 yards.
    • Winds that are side to side are accentuated by missing the meter in the direction the wind is blowing. So if you are at the tee box and you have a left to right wind, and you miss the meter right, it's going to go a long way right.

    So what are my words of wisdom?:

    • Take notes as you play each hole.  This may sound stupid to those who are of the "it's just a game" mentality, but it helps if you take the game seriously.
    • Learn your clubs in practice rounds.  Practice round scores don't count, so I use every shot on every hole. Example: After your drive, grab your PW and hit a full swing down the fairway, then turn around and hit it back down the fairway and take a reading of how far it actually went on both shots. Then, turn around again, take a little off and see how far it goes. Notate it. Then, turn around again and take a little off and see how far it goes. Notate it.  Then, turn around again and apply full backspin and see what kind of difference it makes to your distance.  I got this idea from a good friend of mine, and one of the great players Hanswurst72.
    • Practice your shots around the greens. Legends are deadly accurate with the chip and flop shots.  Legends aren't trying to merely get close, we are trying to sink it.

    Well I hope I was able to help. Good luck to ya and good hitting.



    WOW Outstanding words of help.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to replie to my needs, not only have they mentality helped me as l run a CC l will copy your words into the club forum for others the read. over the next day or two l will read you words over and over and think. as a pro l don't have long before l am moved up to T/P then master and back on the tees l go. the infomation l ask now is so l can get my game in order so l am ready. l am going to send you a friends invite as it would be nice to have a game sometime and a chat from time to time l will leave it up to you if you accept my friends offer.

    Keep up the good work as a ture Legend yes your words have helped.

    Kind Regards Baconbutty  

  • BenRC
    381 Posts
    Sat, Dec 31 2011 11:45 AM

    Well said Longwedge and JaLaBar........

    It has now come to this on my quest to attaining the Legend tier...a matter of 3-4 shots...the difference between my score over 9 holes and a legends.....

    It may as well be 3-4 light years.......while I may be shooting 31's and 32's...the legend is firing 28's and 29's....the gap is much worse in match play....i'm toast 1/2 way into the match

    The answer for any of us stuck in this position, is to find and recognize where those shots lie.....for me at the moment its putting and to a lesser degree approach shots....i look in hindsight after a match at how close i came on 3-4 putts...i'm burning the edge of the cup on 7-8 ft's while the legend is nailing them....not to mention, wasting a beautiful approach shot...

    The answer is painfully clear.....I must put the time in and as frustrating and time consuming as it is ....practice practice practice

    Yes i do understand the " Its just a game" mentality......but I do not take any pleasure in playing poorly, when you are a competitor as I am, and scoring pars and an occasional birdie on a consistant basis...the goal is birds.....its like being satisfied with a grass burning topped ball in RL golf,as compared to a beautifully struck 7 iron landing softly on a green...a nobrainer...

    I have a very good friend here who is a legend and is an excellent player...some very simple tips from this player have been game changers for me as of that is another way of improving...playing with a patient legend who is willing to share knowledge with you...

    Clearly, I will never be able to spend countless hours here...but i will get better and so will you Baconbutty...with just a bit more practice.....


  • Yoda79
    697 Posts
    Sat, Dec 31 2011 12:08 PM

    Long Putts are a very big part of my game and l am happy with my putting as well as Driving

    Hey there BaconButty! So after reading through most of this thread I see there is some pretty good advice. The best is practice! Usually that's the answer to most help threads! And it's not because the person replying doesn't know what they are talking about or doesn't want to take the time to help, it's because it's true! The more experience you have in this game the better you should be. So practice is the key.

    Now I highlighted a portion of what you said in a previous post. Your comfortable with your putting and your driving. So then it's safe to assume that your iron and wedge work leaves something to be desired. Well there is something you can do to improve in this area. Play closest to the hole (CTTH) games. Play a lot of them! In those games you will experience many many different yardages with different winds. You can learn what works from certain distances and in turn you'll also learn what doesn't work. When I start to struggle with my irons, really my longer irons, I go and play a bunch of CTTH games. I have just under 800 CTTH games played. And this time next year I'm sure I'll have over 1000. Besides being fun to play, they can be a great tool that can help you learn different shots. If you can practice and eventually master a shot on Bethpage from 154yds away in CTTH, then you'll be able to hit that shot in a stroke play game. It will take dedication playing that many games, but if you want to get better with your irons and wedges then it's my opinion that you play many of those.

    And one last thought. If you go and do this. If you go and start playing CTTH games and you come across a shot that you can't figure out. Then post it here in the forums. And somebody would be more than happy to tell you how to play it. But go out and try it yourself. I would bet after 100 CTTH games you'll see an improvement. Hope this helps you. Take care and Happy New Year. 

                                                                                                          Master Yoda