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Survery's not working!

Mon, Jun 18 2012 2:17 PM (40 replies)
  • phiber
    2,795 Posts
    Thu, Feb 2 2012 7:21 PM

    clear your flash cache, then your browser cache, make sure you clear the cookies too, also, download Comodo Dragon and Game booster 3, and use them and them alone for playing WGT.  After you do surveys clear the cache, and thecookies before you try them again.  I usually get 300 to 750 points a week doing surverys, sometimes I will go a week without even trying them.  

    Also, even though they say it doesn't happen, watch your email start loading up with offers after you do a survey ;).  I did one last week on new car purchasing.  the next morning I had 6 or 7 emails with offers on new cars/trucks.  Did one that very day on financial security and insurance, guess what I had offers on the next day!!

  • rocnrolman
    58 Posts
    Fri, Feb 3 2012 9:55 AM

    Thanks, but my cache and cookies are always cleared. You're just one of the lucky ones.

  • mrcaddie
    2,429 Posts
    Fri, Feb 3 2012 10:27 AM


    I suggest reading this thread-

    and really pay attention to what Shrude, ccooper18(?) and I have to say about surveys. This might help you get those credits you need for those new clubs.

    Good luck.


  • rocnrolman
    58 Posts
    Fri, Feb 3 2012 2:59 PM

    Thanks mrcaddie, I read the whole thing and I'll try that before the nights over but I'll predict exactly what's going to happen.


    1. Samplicio survey won't let me input ANYTHING

    2. Opinion survey ( that is now worth 150 credits) will have no surveys available once I put in the quick info

    3. Daily surveys will be good and I will be able to click "start" on a survey, but as soon as I do, I'll get the SSI verify message.


    Also, I DO NOT have the ampario survey or whatever its called and that's where the big bucks are. Please don't tell me where to find it because I'm not an idiot. 


    Nevertheless, I'll post if my predictions come true.

  • rocnrolman
    58 Posts
    Fri, Feb 3 2012 4:36 PM

    My apologies- Samplicio didn't let me input anything.

    Opinion surveys (using the perfect picture) got me a total of 4 surveys ( none of them worked unfortunetly.

    Daily surveys gave me two and the second one worked! I've only ever gotten that survey to work once! 


    These are my first survey credits in over 2 months!!

  • Michalzeszen
    7 Posts
    Fri, Feb 3 2012 6:44 PM

    After a few weeks trying to make some credits and geting nothing more than 225, I have came to the conclusion that those companies are scammers, they will let you win some credits and then using your cache info will steal information from you untill you clear all the browse data, then you have to restart all over again.



    WTG is a awesome game, but it should either lower the prizes or create a more fair way to get credits.

    5,835 Posts
    Fri, Feb 3 2012 9:24 PM

    Daily surveys gave me two and the second one worked! I've only ever gotten that survey to work once! 

    there ya go , perseverance is the key.

    My surveys fail maybe 20% of the time for whatever reason.. but for the 80% i am happy.

    try them all everyday, apply some of the methods you read in that other thread, you will soon become familiar with how they work and will get better at them.

    I'm earning more than 1,000creds a week.


  • rocnrolman
    58 Posts
    Sat, Feb 4 2012 6:23 AM

    woohooo! :p I still wish I had the 450 pointer but ahh well, even if I can get like 225 a week ill be happy

  • rocnrolman
    58 Posts
    Sat, Feb 4 2012 5:36 PM

    So tried again tonight and didnt get anything..


    With the new technique I'm qualifying for MANY surveys but the pre qualifying in the actual survey I'm failing them all. And this is the second time in a row when I get to the end of the Opinion survey one and just as I finish the last question, they say I don't qualify.. Pisses me off

    And also, the question I FAIL EVERYTIME, is basically do you or any member of your household work in : then theres a bunch of jobs and they say to click all that apply. I always click them all but it never works. 

    How does that make sense? do they not want to survey anyone? Am I doing something wrong. I need more tips!

  • mrcaddie
    2,429 Posts
    Sun, Feb 5 2012 9:58 AM


    Am I doing something wrong.

    In short...yes, you are. You're doing this:

    then theres a bunch of jobs and they say to click all that apply. I always click them all

    Surveys are tricky, they're always checking to make sure you are giving honest answers. Now think about this- somewhere at the beginning of the survey they asked you how many people are in your household, and let's say your answer is 3 (you, your wife and one child). Now, when you get to their question about "does anyone in your household work in following fields" and you check them all (and there are about 30-40 of them) you're now saying that you have about 30-40 people in your household. Get it? The two answers don't match up!

    They are also known for asking you the same questions twice, once at the beginning and again at the end, to make sure you're paying attention. Sometimes they even tell you which answer to give on a question to make sure you're not just filling in the blanks. They also give you fake answers, example- this morning I finished a survey about television shows. At one point they gave me a list of about 40 shows and asked me if I'd ever heard of them, simple yes/no answers. Well guess what, some of the show titles were fake (I've had that survey before and googled the titles in question), so if you were to click on "yes" that you had heard of their fake show, guess're not telling the truth and that equals DISQUALIFICATION!

    So, to wrap it up, pay attention, read the questions and remember your answers. Hope this helps. Send me a friend invite if you want to send me a message in private to discuss it further.
