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Tier Frustration

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Sun, Jan 7 2018 5:50 PM (14 replies)
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  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Thu, Jan 5 2012 8:44 AM

    Been thinking about this for a while. I just don't understand how folk post the scores that they do in tourneys. Dec 7 I moved to Pro Tier. Over the course of the month I got to the point that I was finishing top 100 every now and then. Dec 31, BOOM, I'm in Tour Pro Tier, faced with faster greens, etc: my average plummets, and I feel like a hack again. 

    How in the heck do people stay on tier long enough to get good enough to get a top ten, much less win a tournament? 

    Is there a sandbagging method I need to know about?

  • GlassMan27
    573 Posts
    Thu, Jan 5 2012 9:04 AM

    Is there a sandbagging method

    Yes, but it is only employed by those of 'questionable' character.

  • ChronicDiarrhea
    546 Posts
    Thu, Jan 5 2012 9:42 AM


    Is there a sandbagging method

    Yes, but it is only employed by those of 'questionable' character.


    Oh, well played Glass Man!  (**Muffled golf clap in the background**)

  • Cleworthy
    3,468 Posts
    Thu, Jan 5 2012 10:24 AM

    Only suggestion I have is to play all the courses.  RSG and Oak will keep your average

  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Thu, Jan 5 2012 12:06 PM


    Hmm. Just posted an even par on the January Monthly 9 which is Oakmont. This early in the month, even par is only good for tie for 128th for the TP tier. So, what everyone is hinting at is that despite WGT's best intentions, there's no way to be truly playing with your peers until one hits Legend. 

    It would seem to me that WGT could do some handicap snooping and disqualify folk who routinely shoot bogie golf and then miraculously score -6 over 9 holes. 

    Just thinking aloud and in public. 

  • MainzMan
    9,591 Posts
    Thu, Jan 5 2012 12:33 PM

    It is difficult for a while when you change tier, as already suggested play all the courses, progress at your own speed and don't get stressed about a few players who think winning is more important than playing fairly.  Not that all the low scores posted are sandbaggers of course, there are some players who are just very good at this game. 

    It's hard for WGT to do anything about sandbagging though, who can prove that someone who shoots mostly 60 and suddenly has an 80 round did it deliberately.  It can happen for real.  I posted a 44 for BPB front 9 recently after taking a 10 on the 3rd hole and totally losing concentration after that.  That's 16 shots more than my best single play effort there.   By the same token you might have someone who shoots a great round out of the blue and wins a competition, it can happen.

    The best advice I can give is to let them get on with it, work on your game at all the courses and enjoy yourself.  Once you make legend you've left the sandbaggers well behind.

    And above all, never, ever play one of those players in a challenge game for credits.  Any time you get a challenge sent always check that player's profile.  You can right click on Community to open in a new tab so you keep the challenge open while you check them out.


  • mnshiner
    1,382 Posts
    Thu, Jan 5 2012 12:48 PM

    One thing that hasn't been mentioned yet is that some of those folks in that tier and others are using top of the line equipment.

    Played an Alt shot game on Monday where two Tour Pros were at a  higher level than myself using the same equipment as I use.

    When these guys are out driving you up to 30 to 40 yards, after 9 holes that adds up.

  • jeffdos924
    1,085 Posts
    Thu, Jan 5 2012 12:58 PM


    One thing that hasn't been mentioned yet is that some of those folks in that tier and others are using top of the line equipment.

    Played an Alt shot game on Monday where two Tour Pros were at a  higher level than myself using the same equipment as I use.

    When these guys are out driving you up to 30 to 40 yards, after 9 holes that adds up.

     Actually, that's been mentioned about a million times since Sept '10 when the Legend tier was introduced. Only difference is that back then it was only TM's that had the same clubs. Now it's pretty common to see tour pros with the best stuff.

  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Thu, Jan 5 2012 2:49 PM

    When it comes to equipment, I'm pretty limited. Fast meters are tough through these tri-focals. So I have the best that can be had at slower speeds. Heck, I wouldn't trade my beginner LW for anything. Its slow meter is what allows me to pitch in with some regularity and almost always end up at gimme distance. 

    I guess my point is that we get promoted too quickly. "Oh no, you're averaging under 72. Time to move you up to teach you humility."

  • SShifter
    1 Posts
    Thu, Jan 5 2012 6:51 PM

    I think equipment should go by tier and not level


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