suspicion has nothing to do with it. i wouldnt be speaking about it if i didnt know. when i lose a game im fine with it cause i know i lost. but when i lose and 3 other players cause we magically went from the 16 th hole after our drives back to the 15th hole where the pick up ball option was used. and this has happened more than once. just cause u havent ran into this problem dont mock me and test my knowledge. im sure you want to go post something about a level 89 tour pro or something of that nature so go do that and dont reply.
.. You are way off course,,, I've been encountering these difficulties as others have, even your 'simple' self, for some weeks now... ... I suggest you get off your soap box, do some reading, get some solid facts, and learn to conduct yourself in a manner that one might suggest is civilized........