No one ever has said as Tiffer mentioned that this is as difficult as real golf. I have played real golf since I was 10, my handicap has been as low as scratch and today in my mid 50's it is 5. That means that on a moderately difficult course of around 6600 yards, I will average shooting around 77 on my better 10 of 20 scores.
My average on WGT is under 64 and that is at the Legend level so I'm on the longest tees and playing with the fastest greens. Does that mean I am better at real golf or WGT. In real golf my handicap puts me in the top 20% of my club. In WGT I'm about the same I would think. It's all relative, I'm sure that there are plenty of guys on here with averages in the high 50's that I can beat by a dozen strokes in real golf and the other holds true as well, there are probably plenty on here with a 77 average that could beat me at real golf by 5 strokes.
Some WGT players have no knowledge of real golf, you can chat with them and figure that out. This is a simulation and the more you practice the better you get. In real golf practice helps but you need lessons as well to improve, WGT your improvement comes with practice and equipment.