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Actively Looking For Low-Level, High-Tiered Golfers

Thu, Mar 1 2012 9:04 AM (14 replies)
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  • godelescher
    636 Posts
    Thu, Jan 12 2012 8:49 AM

    Young Guns CC is looking for golfers who aren't afraid to move up in tiers to join this fledgling CC.

    • Legends - L89 and below
    • Tour Masters - L75 and below
    • Masters- L70 and below
    • Tour Pros - L50 and below

    This Country Club will allow active players a chance to compete in difficult tournaments without being handicapped by their equipment or sandbaggers.

    Members must maintain their eligibility requirements.

    If you're interested, please get in touch.

  • cycle1979
    1,555 Posts
    Thu, Jan 12 2012 11:10 AM

    What happens when they keep playing and level up.. do they get kicked out of the club???

  • godelescher
    636 Posts
    Thu, Jan 12 2012 12:52 PM

    What happens when they keep playing and level up.. do they get kicked out of the club???

    Players must maintain their eligibility requirements. So, yes.

    If a player enters the CC as a L 40 Tour Pro, he must reach Master prior to level L60, he must reach Tour Master prior to L75, and he must reach Legend prior to L88 in order to remain eligible.

    A player "graduates" from Young Guns CC upon reaching L89 Legend, at which point he will be invited into a new (and, as yet, non-existent) CC specifically for graduates of YGCC.

    Many LL/HT players enjoy the challenges of longer tees, faster greens, and stronger winds, but are simply unable to compete because of the equipment limitations and the ocean of HL/LT players.

    Young Guns gives those players a venue to compete among each other in a sandbag free environment. I'm not referring to any particular club or player, just noting that it's an epidemic.

    There are literally thousands of CCs available to HL/LT players, but there are virtually no CCs specifically for the LL/HT player.

  • cycle1979
    1,555 Posts
    Thu, Jan 12 2012 1:11 PM

    I think its a good idea... best of luck to you and if you need any help or advice let me know.

    Check out East Coast's website for some ideas:


  • godelescher
    636 Posts
    Thu, Jan 12 2012 2:11 PM

    TY Cycle. I will.


  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Thu, Jan 12 2012 8:59 PM

    I think its a good idea.


    I first I was like ,,,,huh?  But then reading that there will possibly be another CC to graduate to I was like........nice!...  


    Maybe a wgt tier Q-school or sumptin

  • godelescher
    636 Posts
    Thu, Feb 16 2012 1:50 PM

    Maybe a wgt tier Q-school or sumptin

    I really like that idea hpurey.

    I would love for this CC to become a badge of honor for its members, and ultimately, I would like to see the members be competitive in a CC league.


    I left this thread alone for a while, but I've now created the Young Guns CC

    I've changed the level/tier requirements to be a little more accommodating

    • Legends - Level 87 and below
    • Tour Masters - Level 80 and below
    • Masters - Level 70 and below
    • Tour Pros - Level 50 and below
    • The only other requirements are decency and courtesy


    I've created 10 regular weekly tournaments from high stakes to free, so there should be something for everyone.

    I'll also be building a website for Young Guns in the next week, so I'll update this thread when that happens.

    As of right now, the CC is limited to 50 members. It's still in its infancy so I'm the only member so far, but I'll be actively recruiting.

    If anyone is interested, or you know anyone who might be interested, please request an invitation or post on my wall and I'll get back to you quickly.

    I look forward to meeting the new members.


  • godelescher
    636 Posts
    Thu, Feb 16 2012 2:42 PM

    but how can you...


    I'm not sure you get the concept of YGCC.

    The point of the CC is to provide a CC specifically for low leveled - high tiered players to compete against each other on an equal footing.

    There are literally thousands of CC to choose from, but virtually none that cater specifically to these kinds of players.

    I wish all the players the best and I have no ill will to players who are at high levels, but YGCC is not the club for them.

    Once a member gains an equipment advantage over the rest of the club because of a high level, then it defeats the purpose of the CC entirely.

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