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PUTTING - Gauging break and power (a formula and work in progress).

Sun, Jul 8 2012 5:47 PM (125 replies)
  • G0LD
    358 Posts
    Tue, Jan 31 2012 5:19 PM

    Updated version is here:


  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Tue, Jan 31 2012 7:12 PM


    Have fun with that...

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Tue, Jan 31 2012 8:10 PM

    jesus wept..................and I thought putting was fun


    Gotta give im credit tho, he does have good putting stats

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Tue, Jan 31 2012 8:35 PM

    Gotta give im credit tho, he does have good putting stats


    Agreed, but I want to have fun and play a game, not calculate every shot/putt...but what the heck...I'll wallow.



    Might be a good time to bring this up, but do you play this game for fun or to have fun?

    Or do you play to "beat" it?

    IMO, playing for fun, guesstimating whatever shot and scoring well, would far out weigh entering numbers into a speadsheet and clicking a button.

    That said, there are players and gamers. I think players have more fun, gamers get satisfaction.

  • Longwedge
    885 Posts
    Tue, Jan 31 2012 11:09 PM

    This should be an SAT question.

  • WeidaDeNei
    298 Posts
    Wed, Feb 1 2012 1:29 AM

    Well I am an up and comer on here and I can learn a lot from everything mentioned.

    Its not that this guy is trying to beat the game... I think he sees it as...

    If I am going to play I might as well try to be the best..

    I am on that same level as him...

    I started to play this game to take my mind off the REAL life game during tournament weeks and have fun just doing that..

    Well now I have spent money on equpiment and want to have the best average possible and be a so called "legend"... That is what sounds fun to me now, lol

    G0LD can I add you as a friend and play with you sometime. Would b interested to get a better understanding of ur calculations.

    Alls I know is this site got me hooked. Now I need a third thing to take my focus off WGT golf, lol... any ideas?

  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Wed, Feb 1 2012 3:53 AM


    This should be an SAT question.

    hpurey likes this

  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Wed, Feb 1 2012 3:55 AM

    b) You take the stated distance between you and the hole: 13 feet, and adjust this number by factoring in the slope. In this example the slope is 6 inches downwards (shown by the color red on the grid, whereas black shows a flat surface and blue an upward one). You add this number of inches to the number of feet, which gives the number 19. 

    Don't you mean to say subtract........downhill  putts, it should be subtracted,,,,,uphill should be added

    1,533 Posts
    Wed, Feb 1 2012 4:20 AM

    ok back soon..........just go get a degree in ...............

  • G0LD
    358 Posts
    Wed, Feb 1 2012 4:28 AM

    "Don't you mean to say subtract........downhill  putts, it should be subtracted,,,,,uphill should be added."

    For gauging power, you are right, but not for gauging break. 

    " Adjust the distance when gauging power by factoring in the slope differently than when gauging break. If the surface is flat, no adjustment is necessary, and the stated distance prevails. Otherwise, the number of sloping inches is added to the stated distance (measured in feet) or subtracted from it, depending on whether the slope is upwards or downwards. In my above example, we subtract 6 inches from 13 feet, and obtain 7 feet as an adjusted distance."