I don't subscribe to conspiracy theories; in the end, everyone in WGT has signed NDA forms, so they are required to lie; therefore, leave it alone.
When I was younger, I played a game DIABLO II. There, you can wear magic find equipment and more you wear it, the better chance u have to find items. I got so paranoid once that after finding item at 10pm, I kept coming back at 10pm to same spot for 2 weeks...Obviously, i found nothing.
Now this 'thing' u found, sounds like form some patent filing. you know how those things go, if u have a concept, patent it, whether u'll use it or not, doesn't matter, u got 20 years to decide... So, just because it's patented, doesn't mean it's used...
Withthatsaid, something is out there, and some of us who do 10-20 rounds a day, there are some rounds where nothing flies anywhere you aim it. that's when avatar lee loses buys a new mouse, I replace monitor, and tibbets replaces drywall after his hand healed...
my 2 cents:)