SLASHX: Since i was told there was no deviation in place
That's not how I am interpreting MisterWGT's responses. Actually he did not say anything about deviations.
Here is a paragraph from the Patent that I thought was very illustrative. Hopefully it is permissible to retype this in here.
"As a user becomes more adept at using a peice of virtual equipment, the sweet spot for one or more of the virtual equipment's variables is adjusted to require the user's interaction with the virtual equipment to achive values for those variables closer to their means in order to cause a successful outcome. Likewise, as a user's skill level decreases, the sweet spot for one or more of the virtual equipment's variables can be adjusted to allow the user's interaction with the virtual equipment to achive values for those variables farther from their means and still have a chance of causing a successful outcome."
I interpret this to basically mean that the "sweet spot" will get smaller as you get more accurate with your clicks. Conversely, it will get bigger, over time, once you stop being so accurate with your clicks. And on and on in a (sometimes vicious) cycle.
When i watch golf on TV I see pros having WTF moments all the time. Seen Tiger try to burn a hole in the ball with his eyes when a putt didn't break exactly like he thought it would?
There are so many variables in the real world, that you can only hope to approximate them by introducing randomness into a virtual one. Otherwise you get unrealistic results. Like -22 being the normal everyday winning tourney scores over at the TWO Beta. yes -22!
I do not know why WGT doesn't just come out and say it, but there is a standard deviation in every shot. Maybe that is in the documentation, I dunno.
For me, as long as the meter works, all is good. The main fault with this game is the occasional glitches of the meter, not that you occasionally suck at it.
(this goes for me too :) )
Maybe they want us to report deviations in bug reports, not to fix them, but so they can tweak the algorithms. And no, the multiplayer wind bug is not part of the game system, that's just a big old, hard to nail down bug I am assuming!
Geeze, when we get up/down and sidehill lies in this game you guys are going to be crying like babies! (I can't wait!)