Always a gentleman to defend a lady, that is honorable, no doubt. But defending against what? My innocuous comment after some well-meaning, but condescending words? Totally unnecessary.
Note that I have said elsewhere that good clubs could be introduced with a slower meter, playable at the legend level, like the prospective i20's I have described above. They would be out-performed by the best available clubs, with faster meters, and therefore be ignored by the top players, who handle those clubs masterly. In short, they would not change anything at the top, only below, for good players who nevertheless struggle with fast meters. The great would remain great, and the good would be a bit better. What's the harm in that?
Also note that my idea of introducing yet better equipment than the current best ties in with my idea of introducing a new tier for sub-60 legends, where distances would be greater and conditions generally harder.
So please, let us not moralize about nothing, but instead calmly explore the possibilities.