LizzieRossetti: It now transpires that you enjoy beating up poor defenceless (but Pretty) young women on the virtual golf links just because you can.
Yes dear, that was until I figured out that I should not, ever, for whatever distance, concede another putt to you. You see, my pampered little princess, is that the only reason your MP record advanced so was entirely due to the fact that I gave it to you.
I jetted around and adore you too love, or whatever the hell that french thing was you called me so long ago.
Now back to the original thought here.
I have never, ever, once, beaten anyone who did not rightly deserve it. Especially a "poor defenceless" princess (and rather hot young women). LOL. sorry, I know you hate that, just seemed to fit. (Note: all that were lucky enough to see her original picture would agree.)
Where has the time gone? I must take a nap.