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What a Joke this game is turning into

Thu, Feb 4 2010 2:32 PM (60 replies)
  • CaptainCouples
    135 Posts
    Wed, Jan 27 2010 4:49 PM

    Nice Job WGT. Good Job breaking things that don't need to be fixed. And continuing to ignore those that do.

    Wait for me T I am right behind you!

    10,716 Posts
    Wed, Jan 27 2010 5:12 PM

    Im with you Captain,,, 1 in 5 games are nice to play in,,the other 4 is very hard work  and frustrating

  • jayjonbeach
    689 Posts
    Wed, Jan 27 2010 5:54 PM

    I can certaintly understand some long time players getting frustrated. 

    St. Andrews is one thing, but the meter really is unforgivable.  I mean putting pants ahead of it on the update after months of promises.   The meter is integral to the playability and enjoyment of the game, 9 dollar pants?   Should be top priority but likely wont be easy to nail down although many hints have already been given, CPU usage the most likely culprit combined with server load. 

    A little communication with what to expect on the update coming soonest would also help to avoid some big disappointments, though many would just then complain on why the things they want are not being worked on.   :(

    ah well I haven't been here long enough to get too upset but like I said I can sympatize as I too have been frustrated by the meter and some other things. 

    Anyone truly planning on packing it in a nice driver donation would be much appreciated, like the TaylorMade Burner Beginner for example..... just saying!

    10,716 Posts
    Wed, Jan 27 2010 6:11 PM

    The bottom line is,,The Meter Is Too  SENSITIVE..its sensitive to mouse movement during the swing,,its sensitive to chat during the swing,,and  its sensitive  to any kind of profile interference ,,and probably much more that im not aware of,,,,i used starter clubs earlier the complete set everything and the meter was the smoothest its ever been,,perhaps the upgraded clubs are affecting it too,,Its a huge problem that i cannot see being fixed unless they close for say 6 weeks and completely revamp it..

  • CaptainCouples
    135 Posts
    Wed, Jan 27 2010 6:59 PM

    Anyone truly planning on packing it in a nice driver donation would be much appreciated, like the TaylorMade Burner Beginner for example..... just saying!

    If I could jayjon I would. Along with my irons, putter and 5 sleeves of balls. The meter issue I have solved. No studder ( If it does I can fix it). The mouse issue. I also have none. The Pants issue. My 1 year old khaki's dirty as they are are just fine too. What chaps me is simply the (vem) , deviation what ever you want to call it. When a perfectly good round is ruined by a pure swing (bell ringer) squared up at impact SPRAYS no where near the direction your aiming arc and target have been moved too. After as many rounds as I have played. (I have no idea). You get a fell for what is to be expected when you line up a shot and hit it pure. Lately I have been noticing far more frequent shots that come off of the club face and are immediately 4 to 6 yards off line. I know when to pull it (fade) or block it (draw). And when the ball needs to be hit pure. Not all shots played react well to a perfectly hit ball. ( But most of them do ).  I have had round after round come a parts due to balls that squirt off the club face with a mind of there own. Today I was 187 yards from the stick. In the middle of the fairway. I had an 8 mph wind from left to right. So I moved the target about 14 yards left of the flag. For wind and slope of the green on approach. This ball pulled (early) should have started left and curled back towards the flag. Blocked ( late ) should have shot dead right and kept going in that direction. But No I hit it pure. (ding). And remember. I am set up and aimed 14 yards left. But where does the ball go. From the time it left the club face it was dead at the flag. No this little thing has to travel nearly 200 yards with a side wind of 8 mph. So now guess how far right of the flag it was when it reached the green? How about 12 yards right of the stick. At the exact distance I had planned for. But now my ball is landing a section of the green which doesn't take kindly to balls hit there.O.K. but I haven't been able to get through 9 holes. Let alone 18 without this type of reaction occurring several times. This is beyond frustration. Fix my 7 Iron that has Never played to its yardage. But adding carnival effects and changing things are not even broke? Give me a break. I heard I guy ask for the clock to be set to 15 seconds for a shot. Is this next? Do you really need to sky caddie a bunker at 129 yards on a par 4 373 hole? And if so why? I don't need a steady meter. I have 1. I don,t need new slacks. The pair I am wearing are just fine. I don't need to know its 230 to the front of the green. The aiming arc tells me that. I just simply need some sort of expectation. That when I stand over a ball perfectly teed in the middle of the fairway. Pull out the correct club that will get me to the green. Aim at an area that I know excepts the ball and gives it a chance to stop near the hole. And then hit a pure shot. That this ball is going to head some where near the area I am aiming at. Not leave the club face and head dead right or left. Simple geometry. and simply put. BS!

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Jan 27 2010 7:22 PM

    CC- I read your whole post thinking of the conversation yesterday about the VEM. If any of that was/is possible then I believe you are the classic target of it. The same scenario you just laid out never happens to me because I don't ding the shots. I'm not trying to sell my method, just trying to understand why our results aren't the same. My meter is fine too-very few problems with it so I can gauge my misses fairly accurately. So if you ding it and I miss regularly and this whatever is working maybe this is the result. Sounds kind of crazy but that whole conversation yesterday was pretty crazy. What do I know.........

  • CaptainCouples
    135 Posts
    Wed, Jan 27 2010 7:50 PM

    In light of the latest developments in WTF theory I would like to suggest something. Loch Ness has the infamous, yet to be spotted Nessie. WGT has the yet to be declared Beast.

    I'm going to name the beast Vemmie.

    LMAO, Thank you YJ! Now does Vemmie reside at Beth Page - Kiawah or Both?

    Thanks YJ, I to have learned over the course of a year how to gauge both misses and shots that are hit pure. Before I go any farther, I have a question. When I play golf in the other world. (Non Virtual). My goal there is to Square my club face to the ball at impact. Is this not the same thing as Ding! spiny spiny Excellent! ? Maybe this is where I am missing the boat. (Just have to ask). Sad thing here is that I cheat at his game. I am old tired and slow. So I Play with the Ping Rapture V2's. Slowest meter on WGT. I can read a book and take a nap sometimes between the top of my back swing and having to left click on the little line that causes the amusement ride to begin. So in other words. I hear the bell a lot. Here's another good VEM story. 10th Tee at BP. 9 mph cross at about 2 oclock from left to right. Straightened up the aiming arc to about 280 1 mow strip left of center. Taylor Made driver Ding!. Dead left at and into the rough at about 269. Never faded. WTF? Question: Am I imagining all of this? HELP!

  • OaktheToke
    409 Posts
    Wed, Jan 27 2010 8:01 PM

    Fix my 7 Iron that has Never played to its yardage. 

    Ya think that would be #1 on their list for any improvement/update/corrections/crap to address, but apparently not :(  

    Just pured one 148.

     Question: Am I imagining all of this? 

    No.  Hole before the feeble 7 iron approach was my tee shot on 8 that was somehow pured 15 yards right into the sand against a 3 mph crosswind.  Extremely discouraging.



    278 Posts
    Wed, Jan 27 2010 8:16 PM

    It's "lottery golf" at it's finest folks. Hit and hope.

  • jayjonbeach
    689 Posts
    Wed, Jan 27 2010 8:43 PM

    This whole VEM thing, which would explain the deviations mentioned, and I have had them too just like you say, perfect ding shots that start off in the wrong direction (whether it was the VEM, starter tour club, whatever it was) , can definitely have the opposite effect of what the VEM is trying to actually do, keep people from getting bored and and keep them around.   This thread and many in the past are the proof, whether its actually behind these deviations or not, WGT should take notice that people will notice these effects and many will not like them.

    Sorry to hear your frustration has gone so far.   I too hate randomness, here, in life, lots of places really.   I could a handle a little wind gust hear or there to keep you on your toes but like you say once or twice in 9 holes and the amount of deviation is just too much right now.