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What a Joke this game is turning into

Thu, Feb 4 2010 2:32 PM (60 replies)
  • CaptainCouples
    135 Posts
    Thu, Jan 28 2010 8:09 AM

    This whole VEM thing, which would explain the deviations mentioned, and I have had them too just like you say, perfect ding shots that start off in the wrong direction

    There has always been a deviation factor in place. Even a patterned deviation ( From a good source ). But it has always been 3-4 yards in say 150 out or as much as 5 -6 yards up to 200 out . All of this factoring the winds effect. A couple of degrees (2-5) stretched out over this distance would occasionally leave a 9 to 15 foot putt left. But this deviation for the longest time has been the end result. Balls that start out a couple of degree off line and then are multiplied by the winds effect through its flight. <-- Normal ball behavior. But to have balls come off the club face at impact as much as 4 or 5 yards off of the target line. Then travel 150 - 200 yards on this line. Results in balls missing or leaving the green. Landing parts of the green that do not accept this shot or best case now putts of 20-30 feet. Its most noticeable after a (pure swing), But I have also experienced an increase  in the balls directional behavior with balls stuck 1 or 2 pixels early or late. We have all hit a ball thinking the wind would or would not effect its flight, and been wrong. But to continually  hit perfect shots and then stand there is dismay as the ball takes off way left or right. Is beyond frustrating. I have submitted numerous reports to wgt over the past several months showing them clear cases where the behavior was not only not normal, but flat un-realistic as well. If wgt wants to make a fix. Put the Target arc into replays for a couple of months. I know then can do it. Then have added so many other bells and whistles. Fix it into the shot. and allow you to see how accurately the balls follow the line. Then sit back and watch the chit show!

    Thanks for listening,


  • Joeyola
    1,210 Posts
    Thu, Jan 28 2010 1:14 PM

    This game plays like real golf more than any thing I have ever tried...with similar rewards and frustrations.  Yes, there are issues, and hopefully WGT is paying attention, but as I see it, and as this is a web based computer game, there will be deviations and we all play a different game.  Stick time helps, but we all know, to play an easier game, we have to purchase equipment.  I suspect there are huge deviations, especially with all the club and ball choices we have, if one does not understand how they work with each other.  Other deviations can be attributed to computer knowledge, internet connections, hardware, our mouse and maybe the biggest deviation of all...which is between our ears.        


  • CaptainCouples
    135 Posts
    Thu, Jan 28 2010 3:12 PM

    Yes, there are issues, and hopefully WGT is paying attention,

    Yes they are. Do they care? No. Their solution. They want me to buy new clubs. rotflmao.

  • resozv
    895 Posts
    Thu, Jan 28 2010 5:57 PM


    CC when will the auction end?

  • Joeyola
    1,210 Posts
    Thu, Jan 28 2010 7:53 PM

    I hear you CC.  Speaking about buying clubs, no sooner than I break down and buy the Redwood putter, a new (more expensive) putter comes out with a slower meter.  Keep an eye on my profile, when you see me using new clubs, you can bet the next models are coming out soon (smile).


  • CaptainCouples
    135 Posts
    Fri, Jan 29 2010 12:47 AM



    CC when will the auction end?



    BolloxInBruges wrote "20 cents"

    at 4:38 PM on January 28, 2010

    I need some new FFTP balls.


      >>>>>>>>> Current High Bidder!

    Problem is that credits alone are over $36.00..Balls worth $4.96 ( I am hitting them O.B.  as fast as I can....................... and clubs worth $1.00.

    I was hoping for a  20

  • CaptainCouples
    135 Posts
    Fri, Jan 29 2010 12:47 AM



    CC when will the auction end?



    BolloxInBruges wrote "20 cents"

    at 4:38 PM on January 28, 2010

    I need some new FFTP balls.


      >>>>>>>>> Current High Bidder!

    Problem is that credits alone are over $36.00..Balls worth $4.96 ( I am hitting them O.B.  as fast as I can....................... and clubs worth $1.00.

    I was hoping for a  20

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Tue, Feb 2 2010 9:27 AM

    WGT has the VEM turned up today big time. It's even turned up on the greens. I don't understand why WGT wants to make the game unplayable. If it's in hopes members will buy more clubs, that's a foolish way of thinking. New clubs and balls does not help ones playability with VEM implemented in the game. I can see making the game difficult for the people who want to gamble, and for the good players not being able to take WGT to the cleaners, but what about the other people who don't gamble? Like many others, I just like to play the game and am in no way good enough to win a prize, nor am I even trying.

    This VEM is in no way a replication to the real game of golf. It just makes the game frustrating and unplayable with the inconsistencies it brings to the game. It's on one day and off another. If this is the angle WGT is taking with this VEM, I won't be buying nothing else from WGT under these current playing conditions. I will however buy the game for PC if and when it ever comes out of beta.

    The game has so much potential to be something even greater than it already is if the right people got a hold of it.

    What a shame.



  • jguy51
    12 Posts
    Tue, Feb 2 2010 10:31 AM

    That's it!!!!! I'm Done, this game is so f#@%$^ you gauge, judge for wind, check settings, and nothing works according to the math.I agree, they make you pay to get better and what you buy doesn't make it better. what-ever you do don't spend real money here!!!   It is a shame this game does have potential, like everything else get some greed involved and a good thing goes bad. Hopefully it will get better because it was fun to play,NOT ANY MORE

  • cobra4
    359 Posts
    Tue, Feb 2 2010 10:56 AM

    Ok guys i maybe be able to offer you some answers here about the deviations/vem in this game. What i have noticed for the past few weeks and also in this thread is the number off complaints about the game are coming from the majority off people using either "the starter set" or " the "rapture set".

    The rapture set & starter set have a lower precision rating than, for example, the Ping G10 Masters.  Lower precision means the ball will fly off the club face with less consistency/accuracy.  However, it's high forgiveness will 1) slow down the meter, and 2) reduce the severity of miss hits (i.e. keep you on the fairway).

    Overall... that set of Irons is more of a "game improvement" set of clubs vs. a performance/precision set of clubs.

    So the answer to all our questions over the last few weeks is that the deviations/vem seems to be implimented within the precision off the clubs. So the higher the precision off the club the less likely you will get deviations/vem.

    This answer has come from a very good source by the way, so we now know where in the problem lies, IT IS IN THE PRECISION OFF THE CLUBS. Hope this helps !