BolloxInBruges: I've been known to crack 30 and 60 now and then, and withdraw from my fair share of ready gos. Lets say I have 4 or 5 ready gos open to play. And i start off a round with a nice meter-stop lost ball. Sure i could maybe grind my way to a 32 and get a top 5, but I usually just say eff-it and move on the to the next one. Or if I check a leaderboard on an 18 holer and see I need a 61 to win some decent credits, once my round is going so poorly that I can't reach that I'll just quit. Not so much a matter of me not wanting to post bad scores, its a matter of no longer caring about the round.
I here ya and if I was as credit rich as you are I'm might be singing to a different tune on the RG's. I mentioned that I do that on weeklies that are free. A sticky/spikey meter can sure ruin a good round. At this point I'm losing 1 ball per every 18 holes it seems.
I don't think its a matter of caring that perhaps you dropped out because I'm sure the other participants appreciated the charity. Its more a matter of public knowledge on the tournys.
For other players to understand that someone as good as yourself doesn't always light up the leaderboard is a good thing for the spirit of competition. In addition, I suppose a 62 avg player who posts say 95%++ of their scores might be able to see that a 60 avg player posts a smaller percentage of theirs and know that perhaps they are the better player.
It just would be nice to see who is WDing.
And feel free to channel your charitible nature if I ever draw you again in match play. I sure hope my previous 100 credit donation was recycled into a diamond trophy and not a WD, haha ;)
ncviz: I really don't appreciate my thread being turned into something that bashes the game, which I happen to like. If you want to talk about something different start your own thread!
If you're referring to me I wasn't trying to ruffle your feathers just express a viewpoint. If my post upset the spirit of your thread then let me know and I can simply delete them both.