LizzieRossetti: So well anyway, Lambert.
Silly little girl, always trying to "one up me" again eh? . tisk tisk.
After further discussions with you Father it has been decided that the following will be immeadally applied: (I have enrolled to school for spelling, bite me).
1. The stable boy will now directly serve Lamberts every whim and wish.
2. Cook can now kick your ass out of the kitchen. (if your found there within).
3. Your pink heli is now blue. Re-painted with stars and stripes. The mini guns have been replaced with hand powered sling shots.(due to an insodent over the sea with a fishing vessel where a guy wanting free stuff was aboard).
You might know but not remember. You were drinking Martinites or primms, or scotch that night. But Lambert members well the trip on the ladder you lizzard