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TWO holds a 4 round tourney...

Tue, Feb 2 2010 2:19 PM (11 replies)
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  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Sat, Jan 30 2010 9:34 AM

    TWO opened a new course, Torrey Pines, and is currently holding a 4 round tournament.

    Before you start to think how wonderful this is, realize that you have to shoot -85 for the lead...

    And, before my very good friend Mr. Faterson jumps in and wants to tell us all how these ridiculously low scores are from the easiest settings...

    Where's Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd when you need them... lol

  • jeffdos924
    1,085 Posts
    Sat, Jan 30 2010 10:19 AM


     I got the email about the tourny and Torrey Pines as well .... and deleted it. TWO doesn't excite me as a free game, and it definitely won't when they start asking for money.

     Nothing about TWO that I like ... meter can be just as jerky as here, and the graphics/gameplay do absolutely nothing for me

  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Sat, Jan 30 2010 12:21 PM

    Well, Snaike, those are not the most difficult settings, you gotta admit that, right? Calm wind, give me a break!    If, in addition to more difficult Wind settings, you select options such as Expert Pins, Lightning Fast Fairways, Very Fast Greens, Very Long Rough Length, No "Putting Previews", etc., etc., I promise you you will struggle to score a par round, and most likely fail.

    PS: I once played a difficult-settings round with the no. 4 guy on that leaderboard, LuAnFlo, and we were either tied for the round or I may even have won (honestly don't remember), so those low scores truly are illusionary.

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Sun, Jan 31 2010 7:45 PM

    My very good friend Mr. Faterson....  Please stop commenting on anything to do with TWO until you hit your very first shot.

    For your information, I have played Torrey Pines on the most difficult settings (with the exception of "Gale Force" winds (Windy setting)... and still scored -6.  Your theories and observations are now, in my experience, worthless.

    When you have some experience with the cartoon golf there, you can come and tell all of us how very good you really are there.

    Until then, please sit on your hands and just nod vacantly.

    Have a nice day.

  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Sun, Jan 31 2010 7:58 PM

    I'm a very proficient player there, as I told you, having defeated or tied a top player on your leaderboard. TWO frequently reset all users' data to zero, but I've already played lots of TWO rounds.

    I also don't think you truly played Torrey Pines on the most difficult settings and scored a -6; especially if you had calm winds, the setting originally quoted by you, then of course -6 is easy – otherwise not! I also hope you were not using any "putt previews", were you?

    My offer of a wager from another thread still stands, Snaike: I'm betting 2 packs of GI2-S balls I'm both going to defeat you on any TWO course of your choice (difficult settings selected by me), and you will also be unable to remain under par in such a round.

    So, if your proclamations are not to be empty boastful words, Snaike, please accept the challenge and let's play that round. Should be fun!

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Mon, Feb 1 2010 1:18 PM

    again... 0 rounds played this beta...and 1 on the last.  You have no bearing or stance on the issue.  And no, you have not played with any top players in the last 2 betas.  (I am guessing that you were the school spelling bee champion in the 5th grade an still rest on those laurels as well?)

    My wind settings for the -6 was "Windy"... as I stated, all most difficult except for "Gale Force"...

    And for the record, I used 1 putt preview. 

    And again, I will not knowingly play a round with you either here or there, under any circumstances, period.  Your penchant for 'chatting' and admiration of 'slow play' would aggravate me to no end.

    When you can post a round of anything other than mediocrity, solo or multiplayer, please feel free to comment again.  Until then, your opinion means nothing.

    My stats speak for themselves.  They say that TWO is cartoon golf.

    So do yours. (silence)


  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Mon, Feb 1 2010 8:04 PM

    I will not knowingly play a round with you either here or there, under any circumstances, period.

    Very much sounds like fear of exposure to me. I have played with so many TWO players who thought they could score a TWO sub-par round each and every time, and instead saw their round turn into a disaster (many strokes over par), that I'm not surprised you're afraid to take the challenge.

    The excuses with "chat" and "slow play" are ridiculous. I'm offering you to play our round without any chat at all, not a word exchanged between us, if such unfriendliness suits you best; and we may select the 60-second shot timer, so that you're guaranteed there will be no long time delays. And, under those circumstances, and those described earlier, I am confident that I will both defeat you and you will fail to score a sub-par round. 2 packs of GI2-S balls wagered.

    The only way to prove me wrong is to play that round. Avoiding to play it means that your criticisms of TWO are little more than empty boasting, without any substance to back it up.

  • jasondement
    322 Posts
    Mon, Feb 1 2010 9:35 PM

    The TWO games are not even in the same league. Comparison of this game to TWO is like comparing TWO to the old hot shots golf game. I logged 25 or so rounds there giving it the chance to grab my interest and after shooting at least 10 under easily after 10 rounds I lost interest. Just for grins I turned my 12 year old son on to the game and he grew bored after 5 rounds when he shot a 49 LMAO. The TWO games are for TWO completely different kinds of online gamers. Thats just my opinion though.

  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Mon, Feb 1 2010 9:54 PM

    You could have selected difficult game settings, and then you wouldn't have recorded those low scores. TWO simply pursues a different business strategy, in that it makes the easiest settings the default for the beginning player. There's some logic in that, actually.

  • jasondement
    322 Posts
    Mon, Feb 1 2010 10:29 PM

    Actually I used every setting available to complete each courses mastery goals, that was the only objective I could figure out to the whole game but I do hear they have lots of goals you can set for yourself now. I personally have not logged in to the game in several weeks. I am sure they have had a few updates since I last played but I'm sure the graphics and physics have not change and in my opinion its a completely different experience than this game. I joined here looking for a realistic experience and have logged 900+ rounds in 9 months. My average varies from 60 to 65. I figure if I logged 900+ rounds in 9 months in real life I would be able to get to close to that average (go easy I know that's not possible). Two on the other hand gave me the same average after 15-20 rounds in 3 weeks. Which of the 2 are most accurate to realism is pretty obvious. Two is a good game but it does not offer the same type of challenge as this game. Its true Two offers its own variety of challenges, I'm just saying it appeals to 2 different crowds for the most part.

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