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Thu, Feb 4 2010 7:27 AM (13 replies)
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  • Randellpoet1
    37 Posts
    Wed, Feb 3 2010 5:27 AM

    My 9-hole tournament game...10/birdie-11/birdie (Eagle putt went right OVER the hole like it wasn't even there, tell me how that happened)-12/par-13/par-14/par-15/birdie-16/birdie-17/METER STICKS TRIPLE BOGEY-18/par- Damn Damn Damn this has got to stop!

    701 Posts
    Wed, Feb 3 2010 6:12 AM

    You don't really have a way with words even though it says your a poet.

    You just have to learn that when the meter looks funny on the down swing DON'T click the shot.Let that swing go and start a new swing.You may have to let it go by more than once but it will smooth up after a time or two.

  • Stebo
    193 Posts
    Wed, Feb 3 2010 7:05 AM
    poet or no poet...he has a very good point and spot on. Why should we have to swing two or three times to try and get it right? I've paid hard earned money for clubs and balls to be competitive...I demand better service or take the game down or quit charging for crap!! And right now there's no Ready-Go tournaments available as promised by WGT unless I missed some notice...WGT promises there will always be a Ready-Go Tournament available.
  • Randellpoet1
    37 Posts
    Wed, Feb 3 2010 8:02 AM

    First off, my poetic ability is fine and I wasn't intending to apply it here in my posts. I have a degree in English Literature and several published poems in well known University publications and that's all the verification I need in my life. For all I know you've probably never even read a poem. Secondly, what does that have to do with my problems here? And yes I do know to let the meter run by if I see it sticking. Sometimes, however, the meter sticks just as I am clicking and it is too late to let it go by as was the case in my tournament game. One should not comment on a situation that they did not witness first hand and do not know all the facts. One fact I know for sure is that if the meter did not stick at all I would have no reason to be writing here about the problem or having to listen to you critique my "way with words." 

  • flicklives
    33 Posts
    Wed, Feb 3 2010 9:24 AM

    I found this game accidentally when surfing the web, and I really like it. I am new to real golf too, and playing here really helps me understand the game better. I hope the bugs can be worked out, and wgt becomes a big success, the courses are beautiful.  In the meantime I still really enjoy it, even in this beta incarnation.

    Yes, the meter sticks sometimes. And, sometimes I have only myself to blame for not being focused enough to hit that center line, but I have also been frustrated by game problems. Some solutions for me are to try to learn to let it go when it acts up, usually the next time it works a little better. Keeping my pc in good working order helps (flash updates, killing processes not needed while playing, etc...)  I do read the forum post and have noticed that some folks get really upset, to the point of personal attacks, bickering, etc... For me I am learning to try to relax,  and not let the imperfections rob me of the sheer joy of playing. Of course I am not a gambler, and don't really care that much about becoming great in a hurry. Some things take time. I have talked to enough people while playing to know that I am not alone. Peace.

  • OaktheToke
    409 Posts
    Wed, Feb 3 2010 9:57 AM



    You're upset that all your putts didn't go in and you had a meter stick.  Especially since the tourny just ended and you feel you should have done better.  We get it.  We all miss putts that looked good when they left the putter.  The meter sticks for all of us at times dude.  Taking the appropriate cache clearing and rebooting measures is the only way to minimize these occurrences.  Getting combative on here to others in the same boat solves nothing.  It's just a beta version of online golf, not life or death.

    Here's a great poem I'd like to share for your lyrical pleasure.  I'm not sure if its been published, so perhaps you can offer a professional opinion.

    Jean-Jean made a machine,  Jo-Jo made it go,  Art-Art made a fart and blew the whole damn thing apart.



  • Randellpoet1
    37 Posts
    Wed, Feb 3 2010 2:12 PM

    I love this game and I have spent money on clubs and balls so I can get the most out of it. But that is my point, when I spend money on something I expect it to work right. No it's not life or death, however, I don't have a big budget to spend on entertainment and what I do spend on my enjoyment I would like to enjoy to the fullest extent.

    In reference to computer equipment my concentration in English Literature is in Film Studies and my Minor is in Film Production (Randellpoet is actually my production company's name). I edit films, apply After Effects, and render video on my Mac. I run quad processors with plenty of RAM and never run programs when I am online playing this game. I also clear my browser's cache on a regular basis and have a high speed connection so I am sure the problem does not have to do with my equipment.

    I also see the white dots on the green grid freeze a lot. But this is all gone the wrong way as far as conversation goes. I am not that upset. I was for the moment after I was having a great game and the meter messed it up. I just wanted to come on here and vent a little frustration. I actually thought most people would get a laugh out of it because I am sure I am not the first to lose a nice score from this problem. I did find it upsetting that someone had to make the personal attack about my name and my "way with words." The advise would have been fine if they could have been nice about it and not make stupid comments about my user name.

    As for all the poet comments I still don't know what that has to do with anything pertaining to WGT.  And my professional opinion for your poem is the same I give all my students in the workshop I teach...write, then re-write, then rewrite and so on. If you are satisfied with the outcome than you are not working hard enough. Even when you submit a work you should be sending it off feeling as though it is incomplete. You should always desire to do better weather you are playing golf or spinning rhyme. I did get a good laugh from your limerick though.

  • AddieLexiDaddy
    10 Posts
    Wed, Feb 3 2010 2:27 PM
    I've come to expect and accept the inevitable meter sticks at various points in the round. What has been disappointing recently to me, however, is that I'm accustomed to the meter sticking at the beginning of the downswing where I have plenty of time to let it hiccup and start over without interfering too much. But lately the meter sticks I've been experiencing are occuring very close to the point of impact; just as I'm about to click; and it's been too late to avoid the pinball effects that follow. This has definitely increased the irritation factor for me lately. And the VEM stuff.......... hitting a perfect shot and watching it fly all over the place with no rhyme or reason......I don't understand it and think the game has enough built-in difficulty for the VEM to not be necessary. I want to trust the game; and this erratic behavior that appears to be programmed into the game on purpose reduces my trust level. The game is challenging enough without it and the challenge of hitting the sweet spot is one of the parts of the game that I like. Hitting it flush is not automatic; but when I do, I expect the game to react accordingly. At the very least WGT has instilled in a lot of people enough loyalty and interest that they care enough to discuss how they feel, what they like, what they hate, etc. That says a lot to me all by itself. You're always going to have those who are apathetic, so I hope WGT takes to heart all of the feedback that ultimately can help them develop a product that most of us like and enjoy coming back to. If MRWGT is in Scotland kicking golf balls up a green to test its slope over the past couple of weeks, I see the expectation for the rollout to be imminent to be a little bit crazy; but I haven't been strung along for months by the promises that everyone is so upset about either; I just play my 18 every now and then and sometimes feel totally bored at the same old holes and sometimes enjoy the opportunity to look for new approaches and new ways to play the same old things. Let's see how many other topics I can stray towards in one message......... Happy Trails, ALD
  • WGTadmin
    1,166 Posts
    Wed, Feb 3 2010 5:09 PM

    Hi Randellpoet,

    Welcome to WGT!  This is a good place to start for tips on optimizing game and swing meter performance.  There are also a few settings in the game menu that  it might also help to change.  Try turning reflections, background loading, avatar rotations, friend alerts, and putting grid to OFF.  You also might try setting Flash Quality  to Low.  It is important not to run other programs while  playing, as this can cause swing meter stutter as well.   Even using other windows and tabs in your browser can have a negative effect on the swing meter.

  • blackbeard
    288 Posts
    Wed, Feb 3 2010 6:32 PM

    OP - I feel your pain;  was just playing Kiawah, and got to the par 3 17th, when...........meter spike. Needless to say, my round ended up level par instead of under par. I hate when this happens on isolated holes, as the rhythm of the swing meter is so important in getting a good round going

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