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Travails with a toothpick

Wed, Dec 14 2016 1:15 PM (25 replies)
  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Sat, Aug 4 2012 6:21 AM

    And daisy chains. We made daisy chains for Lambert and although he fought, on the inside he was smiling and all of the fight was out of him because he, like we, was happy mongoose while the crossed arms of Cook pretended to disapproval but were soon festooned in garlands of green rushes slick a little but yet soothing, so the dance we made then in and out between the guy ropes, and under the awning was all that summer could hope for us and dying embers sent prickled sparks into motes which danced along beside.

    While evening drew her cloak we knocked knees and sat rapt as tales from far afield were told of pirates and brigands and just one from El Alamein but that didn't last long and I saw tears in his eyes which a kiss seemed to dry away to nothing but a memory and then her hand, red and scorched from so many stoves, in his, dry and wrinkled telling lies about the man inside that skin while we made up ever taller stories even yea unto the treetops where one Owl pressed upon us just one hoot, but enough to drive us mad with fear and giggles.

    Laying on our backs star like touching heads and watching celestial bodies wheel a slow pavane across velvet skies so so far above, beyond even where the tallest tale could ever reach, and feeling next to me those friends who mean and meant so much, not even wondering and why would we so, who would see the most of years, and who of us would soon be gone.

    Daisy chains and yes, I still can smell that bitter green it leaves beneath a nail.


    Lizzie xx


  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Sat, Aug 4 2012 8:20 AM

    Tell us more about the dingly dell, especially if it abuts a wearisome burn that meanders along the edge of a gorstly brae...

  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Wed, Nov 7 2012 7:15 AM

    This dingled dell I fear has lost it's choke and now rime scours the brook where careless laps washed away the summers dust, and over bright yet low and glancing pierced, the nebulous sun still warms this heart this aching cold snap of a day.

    We hear yet the chortles gone of summers warm embrace, and of it's own, this place still holds a soul rapt, though crispy cold can slither sylph into the blood, and marrow chills at waters beach, and piscine ripples have an edge, arete and firm.

    Warm bubbles yield to stark and fresh, brown pebbles edged in white, to pale in shadowed depth, and a finger strayed, will taste the bite, and close abrupt those pores, while wiley yet that foxy trout, ignores a persons glare and swims, and glides, slippers to the pile.

    Blackened fray where was our fire, and edging burnt the grass, circled careful so, by crumbled jack frost rocks a little strewn, no doubt by badger upon a quest, a dimpsey forage mayhap. Though where stood the trees whose bowers wept and teared upon green grass, stands there still a mighty bole, empty spaces poking through, vibrant leaf a memory now, scratchings in the bark, mute tale of Buntys fall and all our scrambled zest.

    Where the ground we sat in awe, and heard those tales back then, I still see to where it fell, his tear I could not stop, and the tale he told stays with, like a charcoal lump inside my throat, and an aching in my heart, that man his story and how he fared back then.

    Soon to Christmas then, and once more peopled dell, maybe snow will grace us well, the chestnuts glowing in our hands and gifts we pass around with yelps of glee and sometimes a stolen kiss, though the victim cares not much and cook creates the feast.


    Lizzie xx

  • MioKontic
    4,644 Posts
    Thu, Nov 8 2012 3:48 AM

    Ah Lizzie!  You are so scarce these days that I nearly missed this latest installment.  Let's hope the next one doesn't take as long.

  • gsoup
    2,929 Posts
    Thu, Nov 8 2012 1:13 PM

    If only I knew where the beginning was.


    careful scrutiny reveals that it is before the end  

  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Thu, Nov 8 2012 2:21 PM

    The beginning is page one.  Now page one won't be the first page.  There are pages talking about the publisher, and pages with copyrights, and pages with the authors previous books, and stuff like that.  Still, you will get back to the beginning really rapidly if you just close the book and start from opening the cover, and flipping a few.

    If you are working your way back to the beginning by starting at the back and working forward, one page at a time, I'd really like to play a credits challenge with you.

  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Fri, Nov 9 2012 1:11 PM

    Lambert was ever so surprised but it's true, with a stick, a stone and an orange, I lit his fire.


    Lizzie xx

  • MioKontic
    4,644 Posts
    Sat, Nov 10 2012 4:17 AM

    Yer sure 'bout that G?  I want a 3rd opinion.

    I need to figure out how a norange can help light a fire.  Goin to do some sperimentin, back laters with my findins.

  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Sat, Nov 10 2012 8:16 AM

    Where is that G soup? ( it might not be you G, and if so, please feel free to find the real culprit on my behalf and pull him up by his boot straps )

    I think it was you who told me that using my used coffee beans as a hair preparation was a good idea. I am here to tell you that it wasn't any such thing, unless I missed a vital part of the equation.

    First off, I jolly well burned all of my finger tips and my thumb tips, all of them, whilst scooping out the caffieterre. Now whilst I am known to enjoy a relaxed coffee while langorously cogitating upon the latest wheeze, or buying undersold stocks at five to eight ready to re sell at three minutes past, I cannot in all honesty say that I found the merest modicum of fulfilment from also being sat there under a scalp of rather hot coffee grinds as they slid, along with a degree of mulch, down my forehead, temples and into my ears. (That was via another route, I do not wish to suggest that my ears reside below my temples or foreheads )

    Yes and then to face my public on the charabanc, my best Cloche hat wedged jauntily and yet miserable atop uncomfortable lumps of drying but thankfully cool ground granules. My notion of adding sugar to my head was not entirely a success  but did at least have the benefit of making a handy, nay heady snack around elevenses, although I would much rather have sent out to Fortnums for a chelsea bun. ( The specials they do on Thursdays, with pink icing. )

    In fact, I wasn't quite facing my public in the charabanc, since Lambert was transporting us in the Rolls and I was able to stretch across the rear seats, so that in effect, I was actually only able to view my public on the charabanc by swivelling my head as we passed them by. ( Daddy insists )

    Well onto more joyous topics. Having had my head sorted by a nice gentleman on Harley St who also owns a salon, I was to find on my return that the oiks from the village had made a very grand celebratory fire on their green, and in my honour! At least, the statue they had made was wearing my cast offs from last alms day. And strictly speaking it wasn't really a green as such, more a ten by ten square of rough and rogueish ground left vacant after the villages' last bout of typhoid. ( Daddy insists about that too )


    Lizzie xx