Get rid of them they are a waste of time
Speak for yourself, not others. I make a few hundred credits a month or more from those. If it's even just one pack of balls a month, it's worth MY time.
Strange introduction. They keep me in golf balls, I love them.
i will be brutally honest you very very rarely get accepted for a survey here in aus.Same old response "sorry you did not qualify"
GolfDum: Speak for yourself, not others. I make a few hundred credits a month or more from those. If it's even just one pack of balls a month, it's worth MY time.
I'm with you mate. If he doesn't like them, he can ignore them. We're certainly not going to get rid of them because he says so......what a 'Numpty' ! ( English slang for a daft person )
You have to think outside the bun. lol Tell them what they wanna hear . Works for me i just did one for 150 credits.
Don't get rid - I get free Callaways by doing them - give us more I say!
well thanks to them.I went from 0 to 2100 cdreds in 3 weeks
navigater: well thanks to them.I went from 0 to 2100 cdreds in 3 weeks
Same here. I'm sitting on over 4000 credits with nothing to buy but golf balls and I haven't spent a single penny yet on this game
Maybe I'll splurge and play Cabo tonight. ;)
Just a small but recent sample.