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Cheeznuts are outta control WGT!!!

rated by 0 users
Sat, Mar 3 2012 9:05 PM (60 replies)
  • MainzMan
    9,590 Posts
    Fri, Mar 2 2012 12:38 AM


    Surely all these accounts must be filling up server capacity and therefore affecting performance?

    I would have thought so, the game has to keep track of these stupid accounts which has to have an effect on how it runs.

  • TesLa33
    109 Posts
    Fri, Mar 2 2012 1:04 AM


    Surely all these accounts must be filling up server capacity and therefore affecting performance?

    Perhaps it hasn't even begun. Perhaps the cheeznuts are hinting at something more grand. A DDoS; or worse.  I wouldn't be so quick to write them off as harmless. They are not with "him".

    567 Posts
    Fri, Mar 2 2012 3:43 AM

    Grandpacheez is here today!

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Fri, Mar 2 2012 4:55 AM

    What next...long lost brother in law cheese?

  • pb1711
    1,183 Posts
    Fri, Mar 2 2012 6:07 AM

    There's always mother-in-law cheez...

    I don't mean to fuel the fire, but it is kinda funny.

  • drmoose
    3,538 Posts
    Fri, Mar 2 2012 7:48 AM

    Mine eyes have seen the coming of the end for Dub-G-T

    As it's becoming overrun by personalities

    Not bent on monetary gain by breaking of its laws

    But showing irrefutably their basic system's flawed

    They tell the masses "Do not cheat", and, "Trust your fellow man"

    And when it comes to "cleaning house", "We're doing all we can"

    And then the cheeznuts came to town exposing their big lie

    So if you lose your credits now you've got no right to cry

    They say all's fair in love and war, just add golf to that list

    Full courtesy of Dub-G-T, I think you get my gist


  • opyeuclid
    6,709 Posts
    Fri, Mar 2 2012 8:11 AM

    Swiss cheeznuts , Cheeder cheeznuts ,  Mac&cheeznuts, MotherOcheeznuts,

    runOmuckcheeznuts ,  crazyFingcheeznuts ,  crackersandcheeznuts ,

    Velvitacheeznuts ,  natchocheeznuts , onetwomanycheeznuts ,

    Goatcheeznuts ,  someonepleasestopthecheeznuts ,

    Or  , give this person a job here   ,,   WGTcheeznuts  ,

  • drmoose
    3,538 Posts
    Fri, Mar 2 2012 8:20 AM

    Lol, you forgot one Opy, the infamous "Fromundacheeznuts"


  • opyeuclid
    6,709 Posts
    Fri, Mar 2 2012 11:19 AM

    Cheeznuts for you , Cheeznuts for me ,

    Cheeznuts for every one at  Dub-G-T .

    Even Danny has become a Cheeznut Phan !   ( lol , sorry Danny )


    I asked my wife if she would like some Cheeznuts ,

    What i got in return was some dirty look,s  ..

    I guess my Cheeznuts will turn blue ,

    As she told me , Your not getting laid fool ..


    If your Cheeznuts turn red and start to itch ,

    Go see the " Doctor " and get them fixed .

    He will give you a large pill that you do not take ,

    It is one of them you shove when you get home M8 .


    And now a word from our sponsor  , World Golf Tour

    Please Help Control the Cheeznuts population ,

    Have your Cheeznuts  spayed ,

    Or  Neutered






  • gozzbo
    37 Posts
    Fri, Mar 2 2012 3:06 PM

    Posted on behalf of the Cheezclan (their posts are still moderated)


    A long time ago, in the far distant past

    I played every day and the game was a blast.

    Equipment was added and more courses to play

    my addiction grew stronger, and I started to pay.

    My wife was perplexed, often shaking her head

    as I cursed and threw mouses, forsaking our bed.


    I played in the ladders, Ready Goes and the rest –

    I was good and had fun but was never the best.

    Then came the Tiers and Levels, and such

    and with them came scoundrels which we don’t like so much-


    whether sandbaggers, multis or just plain old cheats

    for the regular players they were oft hard to beat.

    Some fun left the game then, for many, I  fear,

    as hackers and ams played with all the best gear.


    Now it’s plain to the masses that this problem is big

    but WGT seems to not give a fig.


    So I’ve had me some fun and yanked a few chains,

    ‘neath the cloak of the Cheezclan I’ve played a few games.

    Despite the commotion the Cheezclan provokes

    the accounts remain open, they’re ignoring the blokes!


    If accounts don’t get closed after actions this bold

    then a  fine bill of goods all you folks have been sold.

    The Cheez is retiring, for the moment at least

    cuz Jeezus is preparing a Velveeta feast.


    Peace and out.  Watch your wallets.