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Watching Videos/ receiving credits

Wed, Oct 24 2012 3:53 AM (131 replies)
  • adramforall
    194 Posts
    Sun, Feb 26 2012 10:24 AM

    Will be interesting to see if Livegamer comes back on the issue.  I have emailed them myself and given them a link to this thread and asked for a response.

    It is also interetsing that when you view the videos they are under

    livegamer/partner/WGTcom which seems to suggest that WGT do have sorme responsibility for the issue.


  • MioKontic
    4,657 Posts
    Sun, Feb 26 2012 10:46 AM

    Navigater - my point was that WGT can do something if they want to, but in this case they choose not to... probably because it is in their best interest as they don't have to give you free credits.

  • spitlist
    119 Posts
    Sun, Feb 26 2012 10:53 AM
    And by the same token, none of us have to keep playing if they refuse to award the credits we earn.
  • fronny25
    280 Posts
    Sun, Feb 26 2012 11:11 AM

    vids wont even connect on my pc

  • oilyrag
    875 Posts
    Sun, Feb 26 2012 3:08 PM

    they're piling up :)

    unusual lack of assignees

    anything to say Icon ??????? over 140 views owed and growing

  • MioKontic
    4,657 Posts
    Sun, Feb 26 2012 3:32 PM

    OilyRag - where does one find that information?

  • ccooper18
    57 Posts
    Sun, Feb 26 2012 6:21 PM

    You see the problem is that livegamer could care less to fix the issue as they get what they want from you guys who continue to watch the videos and get nothing for it so less money out of their pockets.

  • oilyrag
    875 Posts
    Sun, Feb 26 2012 11:30 PM


    OilyRag - where does one find that information?

    for each batch of failures i send livegamer an email - next to "redeem" there is a "?"

    each email sent receives a ticket number for their helpdesk system - so it has to be dealt with at some point -

    follow the link in the email - create account with email address and you will be taken the list of all your outstanding tickets.

    there should be no need to send an email as every view is recorded against ip address and account number.



    if i could be bothered, i would email after every view award failure - just to flood their system, but i can't be bothered so i just do it after each batch


  • blinddogbeans
    8 Posts
    Mon, Feb 27 2012 12:51 AM



    OilyRag - where does one find that information?

    for each batch of failures i send livegamer an email - next to "redeem" there is a "?"

    each email sent receives a ticket number for there helpdesk system - so it has to be dealt with at some point -

    follow the link in the email - create account with email address and you will be taken the list of all your outstanding tickets.

    there should be no need to send an email as every view is recorded against ip address and account number.



    if i could be bothered, i would email after every view award failure - just to flood their system, but i can't be bothered so i just do it after each batch


    I think that is a great ideal if they dont want to fix the problem then why dont we give them a problem at very least they have to look at I say we flood them with email till they fix the problem

  • vfohgggg
    15 Posts
    Mon, Feb 27 2012 1:45 AM

     i watched 7 videos and have not received the 2 credits for  watching them it just gives you the 7 credits for the carousel videos