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Thu, Dec 5 2013 7:25 AM (94 replies)
  • HoledOutLip
    85 Posts
    Mon, Feb 27 2012 1:26 PM

    How does a person with a 180 avg end up being a Master and ahead with a -10 under at Congressional, 92% driving accuracy and a 82% GIR?

    How did a person I played get a birdie on every hole even when he shot 5 on a par 4 3 times? His scorecard showed a -18? He actually only hit 2 birdies playing 18 on St. Georges. Too many cheats here. Can u fix it?

  • DannyPhan
    1,013 Posts
    Mon, Feb 27 2012 3:38 PM

    How did a person I played get a birdie on every hole even when he shot 5 on a par 4 3 times? His scorecard showed a -18? He actually only hit 2 birdies playing 18 on St. Georges. Too many cheats here. Can u fix it?

    Did you take a screenshot of the scorecard and send it to

  • upinsmoketour
    342 Posts
    Tue, Feb 28 2012 12:26 AM

    Don,t pay to much attension to the scorecard holedoutlip sounds like a bug if you say he had at least 1 over par on a par 4 & at the end said he bird all 18 holes then its a BUG but you can check his stats no MASTER in this game birdies every hole only a selected few of the top players on the game can do that ! smokey .

  • gatordee
    281 Posts
    Wed, Feb 29 2012 12:11 AM

    Do people believe because they post on forums that their sand bagging is ok??? They know who they are and my apologies to the OP. I did not mean to hi jack your post but it gets old.

  • supratbo
    2 Posts
    Thu, Mar 1 2012 1:36 PM

    It may be that he has never played a scored Stroke Play.. I believe it is here where Score Averages are calculated.. it is also here where Hole n Ones are counted.. lots of people forgo Stroke play for several reasons, not the least of which is time used to play a round. Most people use Stroke Play when they start, to learn the game, practice and fine tune there putting. Others, jump right in and never develop a Low Average.

    173 Posts
    Fri, Mar 2 2012 3:44 PM

    How can someone shoot 52 at st andrews,an average of 2.8 per hole. Come on lads play the game. Don't know how to cheat ,wouldn't cheat spoils the fun even in the real game. Shame on you,hope your niblick drops off.

  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Fri, Mar 2 2012 4:03 PM


    How can someone shoot 52 at st andrews,an average of 2.8 per hole. Come on lads play the game. Don't know how to cheat ,wouldn't cheat spoils the fun even in the real game. Shame on you,hope your niblick drops off.

    Well, I'm not near the player you are referring to is, but I have shot a 58 from the Legend tees there, without an eagle.

    Now, be one of the best players here at WGT, put in at least 6 Eagle holes and 4 more birdie holes, we might see sub 50 from the man since it's unlimited play.


  • Jerm65
    1,413 Posts
    Fri, Mar 2 2012 4:41 PM

    How can someone shoot 52 at st andrews

    To paraphrase......"because they missed their putt for 51?"

    Given that the set-up for that particular tourney provides at least 3 driveable par 4's (9, 10, & 12), both par 5's are easily reachable in 2, and there are a few more par 4's that are driveable with a favourable wind and any kind of reasonable bounce....I'd say the person in question did indeed miss a couple of putts along the way.  Shame on you indeed!  And I thought you were a putting phenom.  Pffft.......

  • gedi83
    277 Posts
    Fri, Mar 2 2012 7:23 PM

    Sorry for an off topic, but could anyone explain this?..