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Thu, Dec 5 2013 7:25 AM (94 replies)
  • Ihatecheats
    298 Posts
    Wed, Mar 7 2012 2:46 PM

    How many more clan members will be introduced from this split personality? First we have the village idiot calling out one of the best players on here that he is  using a cheat program  and he is a machine. Then we have the later introduced enfant savant who is around 8 years old mentally but can speak English and Dutch fluently and it was him that wrote the post??? Then we have a third who thinks he is an internet warrior.

    For your information Beetlejuices the alleged nephew was intoduced into the quagmire AFTER my posts  and if you ask me they are all one and the same person trying to drum up vomit inducing sympathy for his insidious postings about homo weddings and cleaning BIB backside. Being a Legend myself I admire not only BIB but all Legends in the top 100, as I know from playing off the back tees just how difficult it really is to achieve their greatness.

    Just because idiot split personalities play from the Ladies tees and doesn't post a decent score, it doesn't mean that anybody that posts a score in the mid to low 50's is using a cheat program, there are at least a hundred Legends on here who do it regularly, are they all using a cheat program too?

  • Beetlejuices
    2 Posts
    Wed, Mar 7 2012 10:04 PM


    Ik ben dat engelse gelul even zat mijn dochter is ook 8 jaar oud en zij spreekt NED DUITS en ENGELS waarschijnlijk beter als ons bij elkaar en dan is er ook nog zoiets als een translator of een te bijdehand vriendje of broertje waar hij misschien niets vanaf weet.En dan dat gezeik over en weer het is GVD maar een spelletje waar de persoon in kwestie(BiB) volgens mij mans genoeg is om zelf op te reageren als hij dat nodig vindt of vinden jongens zoals jij dat zij dat  dat moeten doen voor de een of andere reden. En op wie doel je met derde persoon die volgens jou een internet warrior is.In ieder geval succes op het malieveld om 18:00.

  • DizzyDuck
    12 Posts
    Thu, Mar 8 2012 10:18 AM


    Where the hell were you maybe its better to change your name into CHIKENSHIT just what i thought a loudmouth nothing more.

    Bye Bye  zwaai zwaai LOSER

  • theeboondock
    3 Posts
    Thu, Mar 8 2012 4:22 PM

    throw a rock into a pack of dogs the one that yelps loud is the one that got hit,  friend thats a lot of venom for a so called false statement.

    266 Posts
    Thu, Mar 8 2012 8:41 PM

    Tiger Woods doesn't even shoot in the 50s


    1,533 Posts
    Fri, Mar 9 2012 12:46 AM

    I think he would on here.



    Tiger Woods doesn't even shoot in the 50s



  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Mar 9 2012 2:12 AM


    Tiger Woods doesn't even shoot in the 50s


    Tiger and all the real golf Pros can shoot in the low 60's. Because this a computer game, take 10 shots off that. I suppose the magic number in real golf is to break 60 and some have broken that.  On here that magic number will be to break 50 and soon that will be done. Lowest score sofar I have seen is 51... very nice :) getting closer.


  • Aahna
    1,102 Posts
    Fri, Mar 16 2012 10:56 PM



    Tiger Woods doesn't even shoot in the 50s


    Tiger and all the real golf Pros can shoot in the low 60's. Because this a computer game, take 10 shots off that. I suppose the magic number in real golf is to break 60 and some have broken that.  On here that magic number will be to break 50 and soon that will be done. Lowest score sofar I have seen is 51... very nice :) getting closer.


    GOD OF WGT Bolloxinbruges have 50 my friend

  • callawayjay
    46 Posts
    Fri, Mar 16 2012 11:14 PM


    I cheat death crossing the road on a daily basis. Does this make me a cheater?

    Just Curious


    Weak lad.  Very weak.