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Ad for 47 Acre Golf Land Parcel or Whatnot - Who Wants In?

Tue, Mar 6 2012 1:01 PM (12 replies)
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  • YancyCan
    3,027 Posts
    Mon, Mar 5 2012 7:03 AM

    Hello - my name is Yancy.

    I had been noticing a bannerable ad up here and such offering like a 47 acre parcel of land - fit fer golfing and whatnot. Also it was on like a super-sale or however its all said up in them marketplaces now.

    If 47 of us go in together, and acquire said land parcel we could do a number of things all up on there. I know candlemakers, leatherworkmans, and all them needed crew. Serious inquiries please contact me. 46 slots left.

  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Mon, Mar 5 2012 7:43 AM

    i wish i  had lots of $$$$ ,i dont, i am poor ,or i would be the first one to join you Yancy,hope some players with $$$$  get in ,  Land  is moneay in the bank for some .TY for the offer .......see you on them courses and whatnots :)

  • opyeuclid
    6,709 Posts
    Mon, Mar 5 2012 7:58 AM

    Yancy ,    I got 2,414 in WGT credit,s from the survey,s and video offer,s .

    I know that is is not much , For a nice piece of land and whatnot ,, 

    That might just get me a cup of dirt . But if it will help,Them credits are all your,s !


  • YancyCan
    3,027 Posts
    Mon, Mar 5 2012 1:24 PM


    That might just get me a cup of dirt . But if it will help,Them credits are all your,s !


    Youre be a good man OPY. We did our accountables and me and Mel have 66.00 but we have some definate ideas to generate funds on this. Im not ready to talk about it.

    Hello - I am Yancy

  • YancyCan
    3,027 Posts
    Mon, Mar 5 2012 1:26 PM


    OPY - you ever raised up roosters and such?

  • opyeuclid
    6,709 Posts
    Mon, Mar 5 2012 2:48 PM

    Rooster,s  , Chicken,s  ,, Goat,s  and Pig,s ,,   On a farm I was born and raised ..

    From milking the cow,s  ,To mucking stall,s  ,,  Gathering egg,s and makin Cheez .

    Planting crop,s , sowing seed,s  , Neet tidy row,s  , All weed free..

      But I did plant a little weed in my third year of the sixth grade .

    Tomatoe,s , Potatoe,s  and Corn field,s biger then your eye could see ..

    Mom learned me how to make eldaberry wine and corn mash too.

    I can also cook up a mean Muttin Stew..

    Is that what you were talkin about Yancy ,  Or  are you playin games with me and that there Fancy City Slicker Talk .





  • MioKontic
    4,644 Posts
    Mon, Mar 5 2012 2:52 PM

    makin Cheez

    Ah ha!  So you're the one reponsible.  Got yer red-handed.

  • pdxdriver
    2,628 Posts
    Mon, Mar 5 2012 3:11 PM

    coocoo ,mmm crayyyzzzeeee mannn, you mericans is all nuts :)

  • opyeuclid
    6,709 Posts
    Mon, Mar 5 2012 5:15 PM

    Ah ha!  So you're the one reponsible.  Got yer red-handed.

    I know nothing  what you speak , It was not me !  I was not there !

    I had nothing to do with it ! 

    Please dont tell  Danny Phan ,,  I do not want him on my case .

    Nuff said ?

    PS   Thank you Mio

  • opyeuclid
    6,709 Posts
    Mon, Mar 5 2012 6:06 PM

    ever raised up roosters

    After time to think ,  You be talkin bout Rooster,s , as in two ?

    Like close the barn door,s and make it a game ?

    Player,s put down $ to see who win,s .

    The Law does not like that sorry to say ,

    And we will talk abought  it later ,, OK ?

    I know a man who look,s this way , But his nose point,s that way , A CPA I think .

    He has Friend,s in dark conner,s that will want thier take !

    Somthing abought book,s is his hobie .

    If I get your jist , $ can be made ,, 

    Say no more , wink wink




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