I dropped by the Academy to visit with some friends
Their clubhouse serves a decent drink no matter what you spends
The Dog Boss runs a tidy joint and welcomes all good sports
Which might explain a few I've met, the "odd ball" kinda sorts
What can I say, there's Andyson "joker extraordinaire"
Though you protest your innocence, he'll photoshop you there
Strange Magic the "illusionist" pulls off some classic stuff
Since Renni fixed the hampster drive the meter ain't so rough
Hpurey's got some good advice up in that forum place
Gsoup I don't know all that well so I'll stay off his case
Robdelahunty comes to mind, but dang, I can't think why
With Trufflie swingin' his guitar like he's a-swattin' flies
You fellers is a durn fine bunch, I'm sure there's many more
Y'all drop by an see us Alien Ambassadors