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Readygo request

Wed, Mar 14 2012 7:52 PM (37 replies)
    1,011 Posts
    Tue, Mar 13 2012 6:57 PM

    Hey Icon,

    How about  when the newness buzz wears off, offer a 100cr whistler readygo from hack tees, low winds and veryfast greens? If its 5187 yrds from hack tees, average hole would be 286.5 yrds long. :)  Driver 64 wedge ( in case you miss the green) and putter would be only needed clubs for most holes .

    Stevenharkin,  get warmed up for your sprint down the coast if its ever offered my friend





  • b0geybuster
    2,574 Posts
    Tue, Mar 13 2012 8:53 PM


  • MioKontic
    4,655 Posts
    Wed, Mar 14 2012 2:41 AM

    Not that I've ever played it, but why do you want to turn WGT into a TWO farce???  If you want to score -30 for 18 holes, then go play TWO because from what I've heard it's an everyday occurrence over there.  WGT scoring is bad enough as it is now without ridiculous ideas like this.

    So, I guess this will be happening next month, if not sooner.

  • tiffer67
    1,764 Posts
    Wed, Mar 14 2012 2:51 AM


    Not that I've ever played it, but why do you want to turn WGT into a TWO farce???  If you want to score -30 for 18 holes, then go play TWO because from what I've heard it's an everyday occurrence over there.  WGT scoring is bad enough as it is now without ridiculous ideas like this.

    So, I guess this will be happening next month, if not sooner.



    1,011 Posts
    Wed, Mar 14 2012 5:27 AM

    Different settings bring new and different challenges.   The guys at wgt have asked us what settings that we would like to see and this is a suggestion that would be an absolute hoot to play.  They had a tourney similar to  this a few months back on cabo that was very popular even considering how expensive it was. If it was done in 100cr version, I bet it would fill up and cycle 10 times in  a week.

    All the courses have their own challenges.  Oak high winds champ greens is a fun (frustrating )  set of conditions on one end of spectrum, this just another option. Emulating the condition of the popular cabo ready go would present its own  unique challenges on the elevation changes of  whistler course.

    I think it would be a popular readygo for change of pace and great thing about readygos if you don't like the settings, you don't have to play it.



  • pb1711
    1,183 Posts
    Wed, Mar 14 2012 5:55 AM

    It could only be fun, and I bet we'd see out first sub 50 too.

  • MioKontic
    4,655 Posts
    Wed, Mar 14 2012 6:05 AM


    It could only be fun, and I bet we'd see out first sub 50 too.

    More like sub-40!  I will repeat, it's a joke of an idea and you should go play TWO if that's what you want.  Either that, or be limited to starter equipment when playing it.


  • b0geybuster
    2,574 Posts
    Wed, Mar 14 2012 6:24 AM

    More like sub-40!  I will repeat, it's a joke of an idea and you should go play TWO if that's what you want.  Either that, or be limited to starter equipment when playing it.

    Thank you for your insight, but as runwme stated its a suggestion, after Cabo at 1k selling like hotcakes, this tourney would do well and would be fun for the masses.  If you dont want to play then thats fine, you can stick to your videos mio!




  • pb1711
    1,183 Posts
    Wed, Mar 14 2012 6:53 AM



    It could only be fun, and I bet we'd see out first sub 50 too.

    More like sub-40!  I will repeat, it's a joke of an idea and you should go play TWO if that's what you want.  Either that, or be limited to starter equipment when playing it.


    I think most would see it as a round for fun, I think that might be one of the reasons why RUNWME suggested a 100cr RG. If it were 1000/2000 then fair enough it may seem a bit crazy.

    Regardless, at the end of the day it would be the individual players decision whether to play or not.  So if you don't like it, simple, don't play.

    1,011 Posts
    Wed, Mar 14 2012 7:00 AM

    Readygos if you don't like the settings, just don't play. That is a  simple solution.  If you do like the settings, then have fun and play.

    If its popular and fun, wgt will bring it around from time to time. Saying, I don't  like the settings, so no one else should be allowed the option to play seems ..........