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sick and tired

Tue, Feb 23 2010 11:56 AM (16 replies)
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  • jayjonbeach
    689 Posts
    Tue, Feb 23 2010 10:36 AM

    Let me spell it out for you Onestone.   The forums are here for feedback and for people to interact.    WGT are busy people.  Now put these two together. 

    Unless a question is directly posted to them and them only, other people are going to answer AND MOST people highly appreciate that and as other people have pointed out sometimes it can be awhile before WGT responds, sometimes they just dont.   Even when questions are put to WGT directly (which I have done and just did in a product suggestion), other people usually respond and most of the time it is appreciated AND helpful. 

    See here's a perfect example   this was more or less directly posted to WGT as I think an error has been made.  Other people gave their opinion, good, bad, indifferent, joking, it doesnt matter, it effects nothing.  WGT will still see the post, and will probably not respond, sometimes they do, sometimes they dont, other people posting in the thread really matters not I assure you. 

    If WGT does NOT respond to one of these threads it is not automatically because other people already responded although it could be, if the correct answer is already given.

    You might be one of the only people here in the million or so people on the website who does NOT want other people here to give their opinion, and this would certainly be the minority in any case.

    So to sum up posting here in the forum for people not to answer to questions is a useless waste of space as its never going to happen NOR should it. 

    If you have questions for them directly that you only want their opinion on and no one elses for whatever reason, try emailing them as others have pointed out.

     And as Snaike would undoubtedly and fittingly say at this point, have a nice day. 

  • x1524807
    776 Posts
    Tue, Feb 23 2010 10:52 AM

    please allow EMPLOYEES of WGT to answer. i am sick of the none WGT EMPLOYEES getting envovled and screwing up a perfectly good post. this is

    I have found that by e mailing questions or concerns to WGT, you get the answer "we will look into that" and that is the end

    I have found that they do not have the same concerns their customers have

    My opinion

  • onestonemanone
    45 Posts
    Tue, Feb 23 2010 11:08 AM
    thank you greatly JAYJONBEACH you have made my point perfectly !!! lmao. its people like you that try to turn these threads into a fight, so the powers that be can lock them. you are very helpful, even though you are one of the none WGT employees ,worker bees hanging around the swarm, that i refer to in my first post !!! thanks anyway and HIT EM STR8 :)
  • jayjonbeach
    689 Posts
    Tue, Feb 23 2010 11:22 AM

    Sorry, I dont try to nor get into any thread fights, I merely wanted to point out the obvious so you would maybe stop wasting time asking for something that is never going to happen and as i mentioned, nor should it. 

    Now go play some golf would you.... :) 

  • onestonemanone
    45 Posts
    Tue, Feb 23 2010 11:33 AM

    56 days at WGT jayjonbeach and your an expert, very impressive. you also have 332 post (a very busy little worker bee you are) also very impressive 5.928 post per day. go back to the hive and make honey please

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Tue, Feb 23 2010 11:43 AM

    If you have questions for them directly that you only want their opinion on and no one elses for whatever reason, try emailing them as others have pointed out.

     And as Snaike would undoubtedly and fittingly say at this point, have a nice day. 

    **I hear my name and I appear!**

    JJB has it exactly right, Onestonemanone.  These are Community Forums.  We are a community of players.  WGT has placed these various and sundry topics here for you and I, and everyone else, to voice our opinions, ask questions, help our neighbors, report (and confirm) bugs, discuss current events, share highlights, boast our triumphs, congratulate competitors and generally blow off a bit of steam when we get our panties in a bunch and think that we've been screwed.

    It's called a Community for a reason. 

    If you have a specific question and you do not wish to engage in the Community forums, please feel free to address your question to WGT directly  ( - - etc) and sit back to wait for the responses.  (To be fair and honest, everytime I have emailed the folks at WGT, I have had a response in less than 24hours.)

    Without the Community at large answering other player's questions, the game and the web site would be much worse off.  In the forums we learn many valuable things:

    • What's the most pressing issue concerning players
    • Which course is/should be opening next
    • How to post scorecards and general forum management
    • Which clubs are not acting properly and need to be looked at
    • etc etc

    .... and don't even get me started on the player produced guides which have literally knocked THOUSANDS of strokes off of everyone else's games.

    Of course we also learn that some folks have the IQ of a fern....  but you take the good with the bad... just like any Community.

    So, someone posts something stupid or embarrassing and we have a little bit of fun with it.... there's nothing wrong with that.  So, a few people disagree about the effectiveness of the 'flop shot' from 28yards.... there's nothing wrong with that.  So, there's a 25 page thread on the benefits or hindrances of VEMmie or "the Beast"... there's nothing wrong with that.  These are called "Differences of Opinion" and they are very common.  People are different... this is why they make Chocolate AND Vanilla.

    I would suggest that you stay off the forums and ask WGT for an Owner's Manual of your very own.  Should you have a question that you do not wish others to voice their opinion on, use the email addresses above.

    Most of all, and directly to the point... if you don't like to read what others have to say on any given matter, there is a very large "exit" button that you are free to use at anytime.

    Have a nice day.... no, really... a very nice day.

  • WGTadmin
    1,166 Posts
    Tue, Feb 23 2010 11:56 AM

    Hi Guys,

    As many of you have stated, this is indeed a Community Forum.  We rely on our community of users to assist other players with questions and issues, as well as provide suggestions and feedback.

    This thread is being locked.  If you have specific questions that you do not wish to pose to the community as a whole, you may email them to us at

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