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Mon, Jun 18 2012 7:44 AM (33 replies)
  • luckysump
    638 Posts
    Fri, Mar 16 2012 8:21 AM

    Most people know me as a Boxer person and you'd be right, the pooch in my profile picture is Jim he is 5 years old,  I also have another one, its another Boxer and his name is Merlington, Merlin for short ( Mr Poo, i have no idea why ), he is nearly 13 years old, he's not a well boy and that time all pet owners dread is almost upon us.

    Its hurting my wife, our son, our friends and me, I find myself close to tears everytime I look at him, I shall miss him terrible.


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Mar 16 2012 9:09 AM

    A fine looking Jim, I say,  ;-)

    that time all pet owners dread is almost upon us.

    I feel for you, Lucky. There are no words that will make what you face with Merlin better. I've been there and done that too many times and the memory never goes away. Don't let Merlin feel your sadness, make him happy to the end. Celebrate what he has done for you and your family with him. Enjoy him to the end. 

  • TurkishTerror
    2,177 Posts
    Fri, Mar 16 2012 9:21 AM

    i totally feel for you man!!  I have a jack russell back in SC.  she is 13 yrs old now. Her name is Olive, I called her Ollie her entire life.   I got her when I was a sophomore in high school.  She went with me EVERYWHERE!!!  When I went to the College of Charleston (2hrs from my house) I would take her everywhere on campus for a week then take her back to the woods of SC where my mother lived and alternate every week.  I moved to Dallas 5 years ago.  I still see her 3-4 times a year.  Each time I go back she gets more and more white.   Everytime she sees me, she NEVER leaves my side.  Just like old times.   I want to take her to Dallas so bad but I know she is so much happier running through the woods of SC with her other jack russell dog friends.  I know I only have a few more years left to enjoy her and I will be heartbroken when she passes.  Im almost startiing to cry as i write this!!:(        

    Guess what im trying to say is its normal and almost everyone goes through this.........

    Enjoy him to the end.
     Jim said it best


  • luckysump
    638 Posts
    Fri, Mar 16 2012 9:38 AM

    Thanks YJ and TT, i've had a few of our Four Legged Friends ( all Boxers ) and it don't get any easier.   Merlin's had a good life and it will continue to the very end, i'd like to say we will spoil him but we already do,  there treated like members of the Family as of course they are.  

    YJ rest assured we will enjoy him for a long time to come.


    1,141 Posts
    Wed, Mar 28 2012 8:16 AM

    real nice comment ya just left....on the ANGRY blog

    '''''''Sounds like a person with two accounts having his legs smacked by WGT, and he don't like it and is now trying to get support from as many people as he can.

    Stop crying,  Suck it in, Man up and take it Big Boy. Just trying to help.

    Lucky  :-)'''''''  


    then i find this,,,, where u would like some compassion,,,, 

    what if i would have came to this thread... and said...

    sounds like a person thats needs to take their OLD DOG out and shoot him ???,,,,, Stop crying,  Suck it in, Man up and take it Big Boy. Just trying to help.


    huh ???  not very nice is it..

    i own ten dogs .and been a dog owner all my life ... im sorry for what u are having to deal with....

    but ima say this.... sumtimes ya outa just keep ya mouth shut..when what u say is not gunna do one dam bit of good ...except show big a &&%$ U CAN BE IF YOU WANT...

    NOW ...HATE AWAY.... there's my 2cents.... again sorry bout ya dog..

    peace... 2DF

  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Wed, Mar 28 2012 1:46 PM

    i  can not had more ,only, i understand ,tears  tell us all, the love you have for a member of the family your dog is that  ,and unlike us,  there love to us  is unconditional .         my respect  sir

  • PorkyWalrus
    607 Posts
    Wed, Mar 28 2012 2:16 PM

    Growing up, we had a cockapoo, named Trixie, was maybe 13 years old as well. But I loved our cat Casey, an angora, the best. She lived to be 18.

    Also had Fraya, a German Shepherd something else mix, my brother's dog that ended up with our parents. Had hip problems, probably did not make it to 10. Now my brother has Amber, something close to a pit bull, maybe an Australian sheep hound?

    Would love to have another kitty around.

  • luckysump
    638 Posts
    Wed, Mar 28 2012 3:00 PM

    Thank you people who are treating this thread how its suppose to be. Thank you all who's loss of these animals including Mr Flashy have shared that experince with us.

    The loss of these animals means so much to us all, and they will be with us for a long time to come.


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Mar 28 2012 3:32 PM

    The loss of these animals means so much to us all, and they will be with us for a long time to come.

    From the best of times with them. The first night home Emily staked out her territory and they became as thick as thieves. I put both of them to sleep. Max for his age and Emily for a tragic Pug disease 4 years later. I miss them both.

    2,580 Posts
    Wed, Mar 28 2012 3:50 PM

    i feel for you lucky. the day i was born, my uncles dog gave birth to pups also. so my dad went and picked out the runt, and he was mine. i grew up for 15 years with patch by my side, we where never apart, and he was the coolest dog ever. then 1 day, i came home from school, and patch wasnt there to greet me like he always did, without fail. yeah, he was old, but i didnt understand that at the time. i knew he was dying, but i was still devastated when i was told what had happened. 13 years is a long long time, but you will always remember, like i do with patch. always good memories.